A Peak Into The 200 Videos About Steem/Steemit That We Are Gathering To Take To coins.ph And cx.coins.asia To Implore Them To Add Steem & SBD. (for coins.ph users).

I am so physically sick, that is why my productivity has been low e.g i haven't had a fone for months now not because i don't have the money to repair it or get a new one but because, there has been no energy to go out and arrange it. 

I do 24/7 excruciating pains too, among other things that words can't explain well. By pain, i mean my entire body! This pain alone will take a regular human being to "heights of miserability". 

I am an abnormal human.

I am still here! 

I say the above things, mostly to pinpoint that i am still here and to re-highlight my intense love for you, for us, for steemit etc. 

Besides that, i love to mention this in a bid to inspire and incite us to constant effort. We have places that we are headed to and we will head there. We do need effort and perhaps we need this even more than in other parts of the world. That is the state of the world. That aspect (the need for constant effort) will not be fixed for us. No social interface on Earth will fix that; Paradise will. 

Many times, the effort we refer to, may not exactly be about 24/7 hardwork 365 days/year. It may be more about that "timely strain"; that need for "a last push", that pops up on the 366th day. 

Jesus said "no" to "bread" on the 41 st day, after fasting for 40 days and 40 nights.

We are talking "effort" in the "no-loss moments". Okay yes, you may not gain but there be "no loss" either, so would you push; would you put effort?

See; "my fingers are dead"; as weak as dead but if you told me to type out 10k words talking about us, "without gain" and there is "no loss"; (at the moment) i would so so so put in the effort.

Many times, jackpot lies in that tiny-timely-strain (well, when it's timely, the strain won't look tiny). "Fly", "soul", "extraordinary", "love", "superstar", "great" etc lies there too.

I started treatment. I went to psychiatrist and i am on a dose now, that will start to take effect two months from now. I have had to delay my dad's treatment a bit because of lack of funds and especially, so that he can become calm enough to be ready to be moved somewhere. He is likely to begin treatment very soon. I just tried to talk him into going to a hospital minutes ago but he declined.

For https://steemgigs.org; developing it has been slow too. I have been down for the most part and i really can't expect others to fight for it as much as i would. This is plain truth. 
This current steemgigs.org UI was copy number 6. It has been fight all along but i fight still. 

In truth i am very much behind schedule but my effort is a constant.

There is plan for us to complete 3 steem-based interfaces before SMT capabilities begin later in the year, as the teardrops SMT token is expected to span across all three interfaces. 

Overall, all i do is shaped around steem. Much of the paradigm involved even in the model of steemgigs.org is shaped around enhancing steem. We want to use the interface to enhance curation and content discovery on steem. This is beyond a freelancing marketplace by every measure. On steemgigs.org you should also be able to curate, learn, grow, engage, order gigs etc

While i have been down in productivity, we have continued to work on https://steemgigs.org but i will write a separate post to explain all the new features and enhancements. Basically, we have added a knowledge-bank called "SurpassingGoogle" to https://steemgigs.org. This will enable deposits and withdrawals of knowledge but "specialized knowledge" for dream-building. 

Our mission is to make every human a SteemGigger (Dream-builder)
A SteemGigger will be sought after by others, followed by others etc also because he is reputable "Dream-builder"; a true Celebrity!

Overall, all i am saying is; "i am not one to quit". However slow, we will get there. 

In the meantime, we are also working on gathering 200 videos of steemians speaking about Steem and SBD and their love for it, which we will look to take to a popular coins.ph-owned exchange in the Philippines called "cx.coins.asia" to have them consider adding our steem-based currencies to their exchange.

Kindly join in with a short clip if you haven't. It doesn't have to be a perfect clip. "Sincere you" will do. You also don't have to have cashed out from coins.ph yet. 

So far we are approaching some 50 such videos and we will move forward regardless of how many we gather. 

Here are some picks:



you can do it bruno mars style




She used sign language!!!














If you are shy try this!

It is his first time making videos but he still tried!








You can wear shades 
















you can use some shades and a hat


















@saskia sign language


very elaborate @j-alhomestudio





























@chaelpacia special





The essence of my intro to this post was to pinpoint that to create real movements, it may not necessarily be all rosey. It does require inconvenient effort. Alot of improvisation too. Perhaps, a measure of discomfort. 

To join in with a video, may not be convenient. It may be out of you comfort zone but based on the list of videos above, you will see that it is possible. Even if you want to maintain privacy, you can use avatars etc
Yes, there may appear to be "no gains" but there is "no loss" and i tell you, especially, when there is "no loss" is a good time to exert effort because right there, your "effort" by come in timely, maybe not for you but for others.

It is not rosey for me either. I do break-down to write each blog and some of my blogs come out bigger than a block-size and don't post successfully on steemit, till i edit them to make them smaller. 

What i mean is, some of my posts reach more than 9,000 words, which can perhaps, be broken down into 9 or 18 posts, if i go 500 words per blog post but i write it in these large pieces not only to educate on the need to put in effort but also to speak of self-sacrifice, selflessness and to rank in the search engines, so as to reach the entire world of steemians and non-steemians and generations yet unborn. Yes, non-steemians and generations yet unborn won't vote me and i would earn way less doing large pieces but was there any "real loss"? 

To me; "NO."

Back to the 200 videos; if you are shy, i won't lie, "i am shyer than you". I don't even smile or have energy to generate one. Cameras don't like me. My point is, people did sleepless nights for us. The creators of steem themselves did sleepless nights for us. "Gravity" was likely discovered because someone relegated "comfort" (eating) and went into ponder-state instead, asking exertedly "why the mango fell".

Adam named all the animals without tech, for our comfort. He must have sat there naked, sleepless, in ponder/wonder-state with loving-caring, observing and studying these animals, to make sure each detail is tailed to the name he chooses. Now, we say "cat" with ease.
We may quickly say Nimrod was over-ambitious, with the wrong intentions etc but there is still something to learn. In an Earth that wasn't 21st century, he was building a house to reach the skies, before Jehovah intervened and change the language of humankind. 
Jehovah has no reason to proactively pave way for our salvation. He is without blemish. We hurt HIM. Yet, he sent his only son.

Don't doubt it, people breakdown, for free because of you and me, everyday!

Let's join in and do a video, because, the thing is: we aren't stopping. After we have gathered the set of videos to take to coins.ph and their exchange cx.coins.asia, we will do a set of videos for ABRA next, then LUNO, then REMITANO. 

And if we don't get up to 200 videos for coins.ph, we will go to them with the 100 or so, that we can get and go from there. 

Bottomline is; "we are not stopping".


Because in deep truth, what we are doing now, even the simplest actions has never been for us. It has been especially, for generations yet unborn and the younger generation.

It was never just a simple video or a simple steemit post. That simple video or simple-looking steemit post that you exert yourself to create, can be someone else' jackpot but i tell you; "it can also be yours".

If you want to join in with a video, kindly read this post but also read this post:


I am looking to gather 200 of these videos

I will simple add all the URLs to these 200 videos in one well-written steemit post, which i will send to them via email.  

There is no loss if you participate by joining in. If we  don't get a very tangible response after the first effort, we can always  do another movement using just the same videos, wherein each of us send  an email again.

The video undertone should highlight your love for steem and the steem-based currencies i.e steem and SBD and why the cx.coins.asia exchange/coins.ph will benefit immensely, if they added our steem-based currencies into their plans. You may like to add your video as part of a steemit post. In that case, tags to use (so i can locate the videos easily):  

If you can't get to do a post, you can simply leave me a comment with the video URL only as soon as you can. I am looking to gather 200 individual videos to this effect, over the  course of the next few days. I will add this videos to one elaborate  post, that i will heartily send to coins.ph and their exchange, showing  off our love for steem, among all the other beautiful benefits etc 

Please share this post to friends that may be interested or ping them in the comment section below. If you have already done a video, there is no need to do another one.

I am pretty positive that they will consider listening to their Philippines-based audience as they plan to be big across Asia. 

Note: The next edition of "5 SteemHumans; 5 Questions; 10 Pieces of Advice" will resume again really soon. If you missed the first one, this is it:  

Your Boy Terry 


We are seeking coders/developers to help, by means of utopian or direct contributions. I would like to invite all    coders/developers,  to show up on our SteemGigs development channel. 

Kindly visit and use our steem-based website today


Note that on SteemGigs, "everyone has something to offer". At the very least, you can update your profile on our website to open yourself up to more potential possibilities and improve your  general reputation even within the steemit community.  

To create awesome steemit posts, try our "untalented editor"
For now, to publish a post successfully using this   editor, simply paste  your image location URL as text within the body  of  your post. 

Read our detailed FAQ & Answers  

I do need strength

Dedicating My Entire Steem/Steemit Journey To My Mum

If you want to support an extra witness and you support mine "steemgigs", it will be really helpful. To vote my witness, simply visit https://steemit.com/~witnesses and type in "steemgigs" into the first search box for witnesses or simply click Here to do it on one click! 

If you want me to make witness voting decisions on your behalf, simply visit https://steemit.com/~witnesses and type in "surpassinggoogle" in the second box for proxy.           

Let's Go!!!

Offer a service under hashtag "steemgigs". Attempt out-of-the-boxness on hashtag (untalented)

Join the Steemgigs Community on discord: https://discord.gg/CGuPyyT  

"Everyone has something to offer!" Why not?

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