[vlog #2] Essentials on a Bike Ride & Bicycle Fun In the Woods

Hooray Readers! Bringing yet another fun and useful video to the community- Mr.P on Video!

Yeah, lovely readers! I'm excited with the learning curve associated with video production and even more excited with your support, it was absolutely amazing the number of monsters asking for more videos.

Recording/Editing uses a lot of creativity and requires quite a bit of thinking to discover all the functions of those insane video editors. Also, it's a great way to get out of the comfort zone and gain some more self esteem, I mean, if you don't like to see yourself on the screen it's because theres something wrong. Try vLogging and I'm sure you'll get the hang of it and improve yourself as a person!

For this 2nd video of the vLog series I'd life to talk a little bit more about the items I carry with me on my bike rides, some of them you briefly saw on the previous video, it's just that I wanted to bring a more in depth examination.

Right after the end I was going home when I found a hilly area where I stopped to have some fun, don't close the video when you think it ends or you'll miss part of the fun. Enjoy!

▶️ DTube


Bike Essentials

Good trusty Swiss knife.

Just in case you don't want to watch my beautiful face, nor listen to my Pavarotti voice I'll leave here a summary of what was issued on the vLog.

You saw me talking about a handful of items that are always inside my backback when I'm out cycling, be it a small  ride to the park or longer trip. The quantity of items carried will of course vary, longer rides require more thinking when it comes to essentials while shorter ones can be done with just the basics. If you are planning on travelling on a bicycle I'll cover that in a video soon, don't worry.

There is an old post that covers the essentials in a detailed text format, if you'd like to take a look the link is below. Obs.: Don't upvote that post as it's more than 7 days old.


The handful items that I talk on the video are:

  • SPARE TUBE: It's cheap, buy one! Attach it somewhere in your bike using rubber bands, you'll remember about its existence when you puncture a tyre.
  • TIRE REPAIR KIT: For those who use tubes, a repair kit is easy and uber useful, not to say mandatory. It contains the patch, glue, levers and a piece of sandpaper. I've had to fix my tyre two times on the road and I'll say, this small kit saved my live, plus it's cheap. 
  • SNACKS: It's always good to have some quick snacks to eat along the way, it will give you some extra energy to keep on going. Power bars, bananinhas (brazilian snack), different types of nuts or a gigantic beef rib (No, no. Spare this for after the tour). Jokes aside, bring things with real nutritional value and that are easy to carry and eat... unless you are traveling, but that is another case that you can check on THIS post.
  • HYDRATION: Always, I mean ALWAYS, carry at least fresh water. This is among the most important fluids our body needs (after beer according to some), and while cycling it's even more important. Going for a longer tour, carry more and always refill when you have a chance. - Ahhhh but it's cold and I don't feel thirsty. Doesn't matter. If you are feeling thirsty, it's because you've already passed the point. Drink water, small sips all day long, even when not cycling. 
  • HELMET: This is the most imporant of them all. In most countries, Brazil included, wearing a helmet is not a rule, as it is for motorcycles. However, it's common sense that you should, without questions, wear it; no matter if it's hot, uncomfortable or ugly, you are not in it for the fashion. One fall near the sidewalk is enough to severe harm you. So, do yourself a favour and protect that precious head.
  • LUBRICANT: A healthy chain will not only increase your chain's life spam but it'll provide better and more precise gear changes. To have a healthy chain you'll have to clean, inspect and oil it from time to time, it's a really easy process that many cyclists forget. There are many different chain oils that you chan chose they vary in USE, CONDITIONS and PRICE. On the video I talk about a silicon based oil, they are more dense than a normal oil; they are used for dry conditions providing a cleaner chain from dust and particles; some of them last for 60km or more; they will wash out on rainy conditions mostly. Chosing your oil will depend on your use case, if you'd like to know more about oil chains, let me know and I'll help you or even do a video on it.

As you can see a bicycle can be a lot of fun of not difficult at all to maintain and use. You don't need to be a world traveller to enjoy cycling, nor you need to use it everyday like most of us. A cycle to the local park or to your own hidden place will provide tons and joy and will make your day more positive and happy.

Isn't that enough to get you on a bike?

Loads of positivity for you and a superb Weekend. If you'd like to see more videos about cycling, please, leave a comment down bellow.

If you liked this post, please, consider leaving your upvote for a hot coffee.

~Love ya all,

Disclaimer:  The author of this post is a convict broke backpacker, who has travelled more than 10.000 km hitchhiking. Following him may cause severe problems of wanderlust and inquietud. You've been warned.

I'm Arthur. I blog about Adventure Stories, Brazil, Travel, Camping & Life Experiences.

Follow me to stay tuned for more craziness and tips.

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