[Blog #13] Come Cycle With Me | Showing You My City & Exploring Trails

Hooooooah Readers! How are you? Life is getting wild and this is a delayed blog Haaaah.

Click Image to Enlarge!

So guys this was meant to be posted on Sunday, and today is Wednesday... can someone please invent a machine to slow down time?

Buuuuuuuut, better late than never, right? Coff, excuses, excuses, coff, coff.

Seriously now, my life is getting kinda crazy and busy the more we advance on Steemit, I'm sharing my 8 hour work at the school with Steemit and in the mean time I try to keep a consistent bike training. It's not easy, but it won't kill me either. To be honest, I love it. I'm absolutely grateful for how things are going here and how many new friends I'm making. You guys rock!

Without further ado, this time I went off my normal cycling training path to show a little bit of my own city and some other places I've explored.

I usually cycle during the morning, however, last Saturday I spent the morning organizing some things on Steemit and releasing my weekly Travel Story.

 Travel Story: Hitchhiking Tierra del Fuego & Learning History (Genocide of the Selk'nam)

The temperature has been dropping since last month and it's reaching the 0-10°C range, quite cold for cycling, specially with this crazy S-SW wind. The SW is the so called Minuano, it blows during the winter bringing cold masses of air from Antarctica. What could I do? Eat like a lion, put on thermal clothes and GO!

Even though it's cold, the days are insane - Super duper master inspiring blue sky!

Any sane human being would take that beautiful power siesta after eating so much at noon, but I'm not going do deny, I think I'm not sane. I dressed my thermal skin, gloves, helmet and within minutes I was outside ready for exploring. Come with me.

Our ride start passing through my city's center. Curiously all cities in my state, and possibly in Brazil, developed around a park. You'll find basically all the oldest buildings there; city hall, public library, church, all the main houses of important families of the past, and in my city you'll find the Public Market. I plan to talk about the buildings that surroud the park, as they all have their unique history. Maybe a tour through the public library, it's been some years that I don't go there.

Our Public Market was constructed in 1847 and finished in 1853, although between 1911 and 1914 a reform took place. Its design was done in neoclassical style, having been changed to Art nouveau after 1970 when the building was destroyed by a fire. In it stand out the clock tower and the iron lighthouse, imported from Hamburg, Germany, making an allusion to the Eiffel Tower.

I remember years ago when you could find basically everything there, from natural products to animals, passing by cheap chinese products. I'm glad that they restored everything and it's now clean and organized, a great place for those looking for natural products and beautiful handcrafts - they banned selling animals, the closest you'll find are a couple of fish markets and a meat house. Although it was more rustic before with the chickens and ducks and things haha.

During the Saturdays it becomes even nicer to pass by there as they promote a small flea market outside, I'm a true lover of antiques so I usually spend some minutes going through all the old stuff.

I'm sorry for the low quality pictures, I took them with my cheap cellphone, with the intention of showing you how it is to cycle with me. One day, hopefully, we'll be able to upgrade our photo gear.

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Public Market in Pelotas, Brazil. Click Image to Enlarge!

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Public Market in Pelotas, Brazil, circa 1920. Click Image to Enlarge!
mercado publico de pelotas
Public Market in Pelotas, Brazil, circa 1900. Click Image to Enlarge!

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I found this funny frame. Click Image to Enlarge!

I love historical places and old construction/architecture, how they used to build detailed stuff back then as opposed to contemporary construction that tend to be quite boring looking. I remember being amazed in Europe seeing all those amazing places, and realising they were all re-constructed after the war.

Turning around from where I'm standing to take the market picture you can have a look at the park, where a lot of people reunite to enjoy a bit of sun. Some go there to drink Mate, some to read, kids play around and others practice slack-line.

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Coronel Pedro Osório Park in Pelotas, Brazil. Click Image to Enlarge!

Our ride continued aiming to the beach, the one you've already seen on every single cycling post, that's by far my favourite place. This time though, I've decided to enter in a nice neighborhood on the way, I knew there were some forest and preservation zones there that I wanted to explore.

Absolutely amazing to discover this place in the middle of my own city - it feels so quiet, peaceful and the air feels fresher. While I was cycling on the empty streets I've decided to do some off-roading, so I went deep into the forest; during all the time I could hear native birds singing and flying over me. I did my best to take some nice pics.

My aluminium friend. Click Image to Enlarge!
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Me trying not to kill myself. Click Image to Enlarge!

Coming back from the beach was marked by the usual headwind, I'm getting better when it comes to manage strength and controling breathing, feeling stronger to endure my big 1600 km adventure next semester.

Late afternoon I stopped to take a pic for this beautiful place that I absolutely love, it's the Pelotas stream and one of the old Charqueadas. I've talked about this on my post about the old bridge.

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Landscapes of Pelotas, Brazil. Click Image to Enlarge!

That's how I successfully spent my last Saturday, divided between Steemit and cycling. I'll leave down bellow the juicy info for the cycling nuts.


treino de mtb

Would you like to know more about my city? Drop a message down below, I love talking to you all.

If you liked this post, please, consider leaving your upvote for a hot coffee.

~Love ya all,

Disclaimer:  The author of this post is a convict broken backpacker, who has travelled more than 10.000 km hitchhiking. Following him may cause severe problems of wanderlust and inquietud. You've been warned.

I'm Arthur. I blog about Adventure Stories, Brazil, Travel, Camping & Life Experiences.

Follow me to stay tuned for more craziness and tips.

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