Brazil - Bicycle Lane For What?

Goooood morning readers! How are you? This is a frustrating day and quick angry post!

So guys, I'm sorry for this quick post outside of my usual positive traveling posts. A couple days ago I've posted with an incredible passion about the Community meaning and how important it is for our life.

However, today I'm feeling disapointed, as I see the concept fading away in my own city, people don't even care about the others.

Community: The Great Goals We Can Achieve Together

If you've been following my blog I'm sure you have noticed that I'm a cyclist. Hence, I don't use the bicycle only for fun - I use it to go to work, to go to the beach, to visit my parents, to basically everything. It is my main form os transportation.

Now, if you are following the news you may have noticed that Brazil is going through a big strike. The government, a couple days ago, decided to increase gasoline prices, which led to a gigantic truckers' strike, which led to a paralyzation in Brazil - food, fuel, mail and a lot of different goods are not being delivered.

One thing brings another and I totally support the truckers' cause, this country needs to be shaken badly so things start to change. Below are some news, so you can check what I'm talking about.

Truckers’ Strike Paralyzes Brazil as President Courts Investors

Brazil's truck drivers reject concessions as strike goes into eighth day

Brazil's President concedes to striking truckers' demands after week-long work stoppage

What makes this post so angry and my day so frustrating?

This is what infuriates me!

The arrogance. I understand that many services need gasoline to work (i.e. police cars, ambulances, fire trucks), however, general public could, and should, find other alternatives to move during this strike. They could use a bus, or cycle, or walk.

But no! They need to make a gigantic line and wait all afternoon to re-fuel. To be honest it's their option, I respect. If they prefer to be stuck there instead of exercising, it's their own problem.

What I can't respect though, is their arrogance. They are using spaces that they shouldn't be using, by law and common sense, to park their cars while they wait. One of this places is the bicycle lanes.

We, the cyclists, are forced to move between the line of parked cars and the on going traffic, putting ourselves in danger. Imagine if we hit one of their rear-view mirrors by mistake? Better not imagine, right?

I'm sorry, but I find it to be pathetic, arrogant and kinda dumb to stay parked there like a monkey waiting for fuel. Thinking about the situation, calling them monkeys is an insult to monkeys, since this amazing animal is more inteligent then most of the drivers there.

I'm sorry for getting it out of my chest like this. I just wanted to spread my frustration as a citizen of Brazil and as a cyclist. I just hope I don't die cycling today, 'cause the bike lanes are taken.

What would you do in this situation If you were a driver or a cyclist?

If you liked this post, please, consider leaving your upvote for a hot coffee.

~Love ya all,

Disclaimer:  The author of this post is a convict broken backpacker, who has travelled more than 10.000 km hitchhiking. Following him may cause severe problems of wanderlust and inquietud. You've been warned.

I'm Arthur. I blog about Adventure Stories, Brazil, Travel, Camping & Life Experiences.

Follow me to stay tuned for more craziness and tips.

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