My competitors are the greatest athletes on earth


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Come race day, my competitors…

• Haven’t been on a #bicycle for months
• And they have had a cold for the last 2 weeks
• Or they smoked 24 bongs last night
• And drank a four-litre cask
• And they haven’t trained since the last race
• They say they’re only here for the fun
• And they’re only going to creep around
• And the chain is jumping on their bike
• And they’ve brought the wrong tires
• And their cables are binding
• And no-one likes the course
• There’s too much climbing
• Not enough single trail
• Too many rocks
• Not enough technical climbing
• Too much sand
• Not enough open downhill
• Too much flat
• And there’s nowhere to pass
• And it’s too hot
• It’s also too cold
• Too wet and too dusty
• Too early and too late in the day
• And they’ve had the wrong breakfast, lunch and dinner the night before

….but at the crack of the start gun….

…they all leave me in the dust.

My competitiors…

My competitors must be the greatest athletes on earth!

(By David Holle)

Please check out my other posts on #cycling: @ultrabiker
My bike, Salsa Cutthroat: @ultrabiker/my-bicycle-salsa-cutthroat-force-1
Fast after 50: #bookreview: @ultrabiker/book-review-fast-after-50-how-to-race-strong-for-the-rest-of-your-life

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