Looking for a nice contest to join, I bumped into this one from @inthenow about chem-trails
As I am very aware of these things ever since we left Holland for Spain (in Holland I actually never paid attention to it, to be honest) I've made many pictures of chem-trails in the sky.
I can tell you, the longer we were in Spain, the more I saw them, in our city where we stayed for about 9 months, I saw them almost daily, and you could tell by looking in the sky if bad weather was about to come!
If there would be thunder in the evening for example, that day there would not be any chem-trail! But the next morning, as soon as the sky became clear again, they would fill the sky with hundreds of trails at once, and after a while the sky would look like someone had drawn in the sky, and then erased it.
This picture was made from our balcony, and if you look closely, you don't only see the stripes in the sky, but also at the left you see the part where it has already been crossed by another trail in the different direction. As soon as they cross, the stripes will get blurry and widespread.
Usually they would make the trails before sunset, and early in the morning.
This was my first entry, I will be looking into my other albums to find more!