Nutritional Yeast Flakes My Experience dailyfoodphotography

If you are vegetarian or vegan and miss having cheese, nutritional yeast is for you!

Nutritional Yeast Flakes daily food photography bxlphabet.jpg

I sprinkle nutritional yeast flakes on almost everything these days. I did not have some for a while, and now I’m going overboard with it. Soon I hope to be a little less greedy.

This is the brand of nutritional yeast flakes I got with my mom's affiliate link to Amazon. It is very inexpensive for the pound I received. There are other vendors, and you can see most of them have hundreds of happy reviewers.

Nutritional yeast adds a flavor something like Parmesan cheese to anything you add it to. I use it on pasta the most, since that is where I miss the cheese flavor. I cannot notice the difference and I love it. After you add this on top and mix it in, it becomes creamy. If you leave it on top it is a bit gritty and the taste is stronger. Sometimes I mix some in and then add more on top to have it both ways!

Nutritional yeast is also very good on a baked potato and sprinkled on salad. It adds a kind of sour, cheesy bite to the flavor and I can taste the other ingredients better too. It seems to make everything taste fresher.

I feel energy from eating nutritional yeast. But lately that is how I feel when I eat healthy food at all. I grew up with @fitinfun when she was obese and we ate really bad food. This was one of the many new things that came into the house when she changed her diet and got healthy. So I am not sure how much of my new energy is from nutritional yeast alone but I’m glad I have it.

Here are my posts so far about the products I got in my recent Amazon Haul thanks to steemit money.

Hemp Oil and Hemp Seeds
Raw Cacao
Magnesium Oil
The start of this idea to post about my Amazon haul

By using these products, I feel better already! I am posting the food items to the #dailyfoodphotography contest by @howtostartablog and telling you how I use them now and I why I like them. I will post about health benefits and why they are good for you in future posts. I plan to get some good photos of the meals I make with them to share as well.

Thank you for visiting my blog and finding out about the healthy food I eat now. Do you eat or use any of these products? Let me know about your experience and we can be healthy together.

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