(日語/ENG/中文) 節分の日に食べるものは恵方巻きです/Setsubun eat ehoumaki/ 面壁思過向著南南東吃恵方巻(好孩子Goodboy Philip 食レポグルメガイド)
Setsubun (節分) is the day before the beginning of spring in Japan. Japanese eat ehoumaki as tradition. When eating ehoumaki, people have to eat and head to the listed direction of the year. I bought the ehoumaki from supermarket and went back and eat. Stay silent, face to south south east and eat. Best wishes!
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这次写到这里,希望大家喜欢!好孩子 Philip 的日本游记和食店报告,喜欢的话,欢迎加我做朋友,投票和分享文章,谢谢!下篇再见!
今次先寫到這裡,希望大家喜歡!好孩子 Philip 的日本遊記和食店報告,喜歡的話,歡迎加我做朋友,投票和分享文章,謝謝! 下篇再見!😋