Restaurant Review 美食推送: Foxglove Bar & Kitchen

Our first meal in Wellington was at a restaurant called Foxglove. It is located at Queens Wharf at downtown Wellington, a waterfront area with a lot of different restaurants and great water view.



We arrived in Wellington at 2am on a Thursday Morning, so by the time we woke up it was past 11am. Luckily, Queens Wharf was just a short walk away. We found Foxglove at the Northern end of the Wharf. It is a two story wooden building with a lot of character. The restaurant is divided into a formal dining area with table services downstairs, and a pub like informal area upstairs. Since it was a quiet weekday lunchtime, we chose to go upstairs for a better view. The interior decoration of Foxglove is really chic and cosy. A set of wooden stairs lighted up by plant lamps hanging from the ceiling led us to a retro-decorated dining area. The wooden floor board, shelves filled with old cameras and books and the vinyls on the wall, all added to the classical and rustic feel of the place.

我们在星期四的凌晨两点才到达住宿,所以睡醒也早上十一点多了。幸好皇后码头离我们的住宿不远,走路十分钟就到了。Foxglove位于皇后码头的北端,是一座两层的木房,超级有怀旧的味道。木房的底层是有正式餐桌服务的高档餐厅,而楼上则是比较朴实的酒吧餐馆。楼上的风景看上去好些,于是我们就选择了上楼。Foxglove 的装璜十分温暖和别致。我们走上木楼梯,天花上的植物吊灯柔和地照着棕红的木地板。楼上的酒吧非常宽敞,暖暖的灯光映着那放满旧书本的木柜。另一个木架上很多个不同的古董相机,墙上还贴了很多旧唱片。这一切都突显了餐馆的乡村怀旧气息。




We chose a corner of the pub where there are several couches and lounge chairs right beside the windows. There was even a real fireplace with some firewood on the side. They would probably fire this up when it is winter. The water view from the window is pretty cool, we can see much of the wharf, the harbour, as well as passing ferries in the distance, all in the comfort of our seats.








The bar had a selection of local beer and cider on tap, and is where we need to order our food. The menu is standard cafe/pub fare with a Mexican twist, with things such as burgers, tacos and Quesadillas on offer. We ordered three mains for the four of us: A chicken burger, a fish and chips, and a garlic prawn linguine. I also ordered a Panhead supercharger which is an APA brewed in Upper Hutt. It is really relaxing to be able to just sit on the couch and stare at the sea while drinking a glass of refreshing beer on a Thursday afternoon.

酒吧上有多种啤酒和苹果酒任君选择,而餐牌上的是偏墨西哥风的咖啡馆式食品,例如汉堡,玉米卷饼Taco和油炸玉米饼Quesadilla. 我们对墨西哥菜没什么兴趣,就点了一个鸡柳汉堡,一个炸鱼薯条,和一个蒜香大虾意面。我还点了一杯附近酿酒厂酿制的精酿美式淡啤。毕竟良辰美景不能辜负啊!


All three dishes came out at once, which is good as we were starving since we didn't really have a good dinner the night before. The chicken burger was pretty delicious. A generous serving of chicken breast, crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside. Add sweet and crunchy coleslaw, lightly pickled Daikon and a dash of mustard, all served between two lightly toasted milk buns. A very scrumptious burger indeed. The golden steak cut fries on the side came with very yummy Foxy mayo and was absolutely satisfying.




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While the best fish and chips can only be found at small takeaway shops in the suburbs wrap in newspaper, getting fish and chips at a seaside cafe is usually a safe choice. And that was indeed the case. The fish was fresh and fleshy, batter light and crispy, everything was done just right. But it just didn't pack as much punch as the chicken burger, or as brilliant as star of the day, the garlic prawn linguine.


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Fish and Chips Closeup.jpg

If you are expecting a traditional creamy pasta dish, than you would be disappointed because this is anything but, and is what made this dish shine. The first thing you see when the dish is served is that it is moving! Of course, it is just an illusion that came from the bonito flakes, a dry fish flakes that is commonly seen in Japanese cuisine. The Japanese-italian fusion theme was carried throughout the dish with the mixed-in seaweed flakes. Juicy and colourful purple carrot and baby tomatoes gave a dash of vibrancy to the dish. Large and fresh juicy prawns was the star of the show. The linguine was Al dente, and the sauce was light, not too creamy, but very aromatic. I was actually very surprised that the flavours go so well together, as the ingredients are literally world's apart. Definitely a recommended dish.



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We really had a great time at Foxglove. The relaxing atmosphere and the delicious food really got me into my holiday mood. What a start to a vacation! If you are swinging by Wellington, make sure you check out Foxglove! Highly recommended!


Foxglove Bar & Kitchen
33 Queens Wharf
Wellington, 6011
New Zealand

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