Scared cat could also be scary - DailyPetPhotography Submission #01

Hello Steemians

Hope all are okay.
and i'm also good.

in this post, i'm gonna show three photography of a same cat.
one seems to be so scared, another seems to be so scary and another one as a bonus..
so, let's see the cat.

Scared One

"Photo taken by me @ashikstd with my mi phone"
look at the cat now.
it's so cute and adorable.
feel like give it a kiss for it's cuteness.
it's just the best version of cute and looks like it was so scared.

now see it's another version at the same time.

Scary One

"Photo taken by me @ashikstd with my mi phone"
yeah it's the scary one and the same one as i've showed above it.
actually this cat was scared of us and that's why it showed it's face like this so this expression was it's great scared moment.
but it's also a scary face for little children.
this picture can give nightmare to them i bet.

now i'm gonna show the bonus one.

Bonus One

"Photo taken by me @ashikstd with my mi phone"
yeah it's the middle part of scared and scary.
at this time it was seeing forward like it was expecting someone.
just see it's eyes.
so adorable, isn't it?

About the photography:
so i'd gone to our high school before our last re-union to meet some friends and then i saw this cute little cat.
my friend Shumi was trying to carry it and she was saying that it's her cat.
so she carried it up on the window and i've taken the shots with my mi note 5a phone.
it was really so cute and adorable cat as you can see in the photo.
hope i did find it again but it was gone and now just have three photos of it.

that's all for now.
i'll come with an interesting post again.

please support me to keep having more of my works and you can follow me,
so that you can see my future posts.
and you're always welcome to my blog.

"be good, think good and do good"

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