Daily Pet Photography Event of @kona - Goldilocks is eating my porridge!

How tall his ears stand,

his indignantly he watches,
mouth hanging open,
as Bailey eats "his" mashed potatoes and beef gravy!

Never mind that this was HER house,

and HER people gave Ted the neighbor dog 'dibs' because Bailey's brother died of pancreatitis at age 12, and, perhaps, denying him his beloved gravy would have extended his life by so many minutes. Bailey, being a dog, would live in the now and eat all the gravy she could with no thought for tomorrow. Eat better, live longer? You call that living?

Ted lived to age 16,

having gorged all those years on Sam's dog food (not Science Diet, not even Purina, not the "quality" stuff.
He ate dirty baby diapers.
He'd steal Snickers bars from the table and eat lethal amounts of chocolate before Vicki, our neighbor, could stop him.
It'd take more than a pound of chocolate to slow down this cyborg of a dog.
Not that his owners or we his neighbors would ever test that one out!

Red Heelers are gods among dogs,

tough, indesctructible, but, alas, not built to last much longer than 15 years. Ted's last year, he was slowing down a lot. Instead of terrorizing squirrels and delivery men, he'd twitch an ear in their direction and continue his slumber.

We miss you Teddy!

Thank you, @kona
for Daily Pet Photography Event!︳每天寵物攝影活動!

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