The Cutest Family Photo I've Ever Captured!


Happy Monday everyone! Sharing with you all the goodvibes. Here's a throwback photo of our dogs. Here's Mommy, Daddy, and their baby namely Ccina, Timmy and Japjap consecutively.

Here's the back story of this photo:

We had Ccina(the mommy dog) back in 2012 while as we had Timmy(daddy dog) 3 years later I think. Together, they build a happy family. It was just December of 2016 when we had Japjap, their offspring.


Ccina and Timmy (back when Timmy was still so small). Taken around August 2015


Ccina and Timmy 2 years later


December 2016, Japjap and his brother was born



Here's Mommy Ccina feeding her puppies. She looked so helpless. At this time, the puppies are already growing their teeth so it must have really hurt feeding them.

We had to give Japjap's brother to a relative who also wants to adopt a pet. We know that they could also take good care of the puppy.


Japjap's chubby-cute-little face!

>>> Fast forward to March 2017

It was one afternoon when I've decided to take a photo of them sitting in the balcony. Timmy couldn't get in the balcony and is afraid to go down despite being the biggest of them all that's why we had to carry him and sit him there. Ccina and Japjap on the other hand can easily jump to and from the balcony with ease. It was the cutest family picture I've ever captured! It was lovely seeing them together. They also know how to pose! ❤🐶

Have a great week ahead! 😊

Photos are mine
Camera used: iPhone 6s

Much love,

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