Meet Scotch and Peanut


Meet peanut and scotch! They are one of the sweetest angels God has ever sent me. They came to us one sunny day. My ex saw them in the streets of Cebu, sold by a local breeder.

He immediately fell in love with the male pup with the darker brown spots. He was shy but very sweet, with really soft fur . He was such a good boy. But then, he fell inlove for the female pup too. She was so energetic and playful! He had a hard time choosing. The two seemed very close and knew that they would miss each other. He end up choosing both.

We named them Peanut(female) and Scotch (male pup) because of theur colors. As time goes by, the contrast on their behaviour became more glaring. There are times when we would train both of them for tricks, Scotch would easily learn his lessons and gets treats as a reward. Peanut, however, would only ran around with no clear direction. She knew too well that she could still earn the treats simply by being cute.

They would often waste their energy chasing cats, barking at strangers, running around the house, all the cute and silly puppy games. When they get tired, they would hug each other to sleep (as shown in the photo). FB_IMG_1523022986204.jpg

The two are inseperable. For two years they have been partners in crime. They did almost everything together. So when the time came when Peanut poke Scotch and he would no longer respond, we all felt sad.

Sooner than we thought, Scotch left us. He left my family in tears. We miss him so much. It is different without him now. The barks had become lonelier. We miss being greeted by two lovely dogs at the front door everytime we come home.

But most of all, I know Peanut misses him most. I wonder if Peanut knows that her brother is not coming back anymore. One day, If heaven really exists, I wish to be greeted by Scotch and all of the living things I loved after crossing the rainbow bridge.

This post is also my official entry for @artgirls contest.

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