
Good day Steeminans, here's my entry for #dailypetphotography by @kona.


When I was in college, this kitten was my pet. I just love this photo that's why I want to share this with you.

This kitten looks like staring on what I'm staring at. I love dogs and cat and I think they love my company too. This photo was taken an hour after my graduation, while Im sitting this kitten suddenly came and sit on my lap.

In that time I'm thinking, "what would be my next step now that I'm already finish my study?. Would I continue to take the board exam and pursue my carrer path or would I look for a work to help my family?". That's the two things that needs my decision. And for the sake of my family, I decided to look for a job to help them. Since I'm the only guy left in our family, I have to work to support them and set aside my dreams. But I know God has plan for all of us, He will never forget our sacrifices. I know someday I can continue my goals in life in His will.

We live in this world that full of worries about the things to be prioritize than to our own happines. Sacrifice, patience and hardwork are all we need to be successful in our journey in life. Just have faith in God and everything will be fine.

Thank you for reading and support.

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