MR Loach jumps for freedom in the sequel The Great Escape 2 (UPDATED)

Sunday night me, hubby and Nichola are watching TV when all we can hear is a popping sound coming from the fish tank next to hubby. Our Loach is tapping against the glass top trying to get out. Hubby turns the tank light off so he will settle down.

Monday, we turn the light back on around lunchtime. Hubby comes in from work at 5pm, he always says hello to our dogs then goes and checks on his fish. When he checks on the tank he cant find the Loach, he moves the plants around but he cant be found. Him and Nichola are checking everywhere, Nichola looks under the set of drawers the tank sits on where she finds Mr Loach. Hubby picks him up thinking he is dead when he sees him flap his tail so he quickly puts him back into the tank where he starts to swim.



Mr Loach isn't looking so good, he's still breathing but isn't moving very much, we are hoping he will start to perk up again. There was a tiny gap at the back of the top glass where he jumped out from. Its surprising the fall didnt kill him. He is one lucky Loach.

Mr Loach died today. :(

Thank you son-of-satire

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