Daily pet photography event. My entry №2 by @kona. Amazing raccoons

This is a daily pet photography challenge by @kona! To participate, read the participation rules @kona/daily-pet-photography-challenge

I made the pictures of these raccoons when I visited a pet zoo. They are favorite pets there. These raccoons are very funny and not afraid of people at all. They looked like lovely teddy bears but were very fat. I think zookepers give them too much food and it is not always good for animals.

Some people in Ukraine keep them in their houses since it is a fashion for exotic pets here. But to be honest, I am against it because many owners do not know how to take care of exotic pets in a proper way and as a result animals very often die. And though I like raccoons very much and find them amazing - I am not going to keep them as pets because do not want to risk this wonderful animal`s life.

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