Our Sweet Wild Dog Rescue from the Islands


Old soul, kind heart~ we took this lady in as an abandoned adult stray during our years in Guam. When we first met her she approached our child, carefully checked him from head to toe and healed at his feet. It took us a while to get her back in shape as her legs had atrophied from being tied off for most of her life. Her teeth were cracked and broken from eating street garbage but she trusted us no matter giving us kind hugs more often than we expected as a new comer in our family. We quickly got her up to speed w/ a few vet visits and daily runs to rebuild her muscles.


The first night in our home she seemed stunned by the things we'd given her; a dog bed, a toy, a leash, a bowl. She would carry them all with her wagging her tail, going from room to room following us with a gentle smile. This went on for a few months until she seemed to realize that this was her new life.


Kirra is now the proud sister of our only child and absolutely adores being his litter mate through crazy adventures and pirate games! She patrols our home a few times a night and sleeps adoringly at his side, coming to get me promptly if ever he wakes in the night. We'll never tire from laughter watching her scale mountains with us like a billy goat and paddle board out to remote islands with me watching over our boy:) Oh the joys only a humble dog heart can bring!

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