Every Day is Caturday :: My Fat Cats

I have cats. Well, more accurately, they have me.

And they're darn fortunate for that, if I do say so myself.

I post photos every now and again of various plants and birds and sunsets and stuff, but I haven't really featured my kitties.

Today, that changes. I offer Futo, the black cat that must have some maine coon in him. And Shoga, a siamese. We rescued them from a no-kill shelter as a pair a couple years ago. Prior to being taking in at that particular shelter, they were...about to be killed until someone remembered to scan their chips. Anyway, we had to take them as a pair, and were happy to do so.

Futo Amidst Laundry. Abstract. 2018. @negativer

Shoga taking a well-deserved nap.

These two are brothers, and it's rare to see them both loafing in the same place. At least when they're not wrestling with each other.

Photos by @negativer .

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