My pet story 🐳

The only pets I have ever had are fishes.I have never petted any furry or feathered living beings.During childhood at my home my parents didn't entertain any.And when I grew up I didn't have much time(or say I was lazzzzyyyyy😁)

The above fighter fish was actually a gift by my collegues on my farewell day.I even booked a cab to bring her home that day(Am not sure if its a him or her.But I always call it a her!)Such a beauty.Just loved its magnificient colour.

The thing with pet fishes are that they are easier to maintain.You just need to change the water,keep the tank clean and feed them on time.You don't need to take them for a walk,take them to doctors,nor you need to give them occasional cuddles nor potty train them etc etc😳.And they are silent and most of them mind their own business.Its soo tranquil to watch them swimming peacefully.It brings in a sense of calmness.But some of them even interacts.The gold fish that I had before this one was pretty friendlier.When I go near it used to look in my direction and swim to and fro vigorously.(Or maybe it wanted to hit me for leaving it alone😳?)

And the cons are that they are extremely delicate.Eventhough you do everything one day they will just decide to die like that.This one stayed with me for the longest time of about 6 months.In my opinion if you want a fish pet better go for fighter fish.They are much stronger.I always had terrible experiences with gold fish.They are extremely extremely delicate and sensitive.I asked a hundred questions to the shop keeper where I brought them and did everything but none of them survived more than three months.

I don't know if I will ever be getting any other kinds of pet but I would definitely love to have a big lively aquarium with loots of vibrant coloured,swiftly moving wonderful fishies one day 😁

This is my entry for #dailypetphotography by @kona

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