The Feral Cats and Kittens Outside My Building

I really feel for this cat as she has been chased away from the best places by more dominant cats in the area.

Most of the feral cats here are terrified of people and rarely beg outside the shops for food. They know how to hunt and scavenge. She must have been abandoned during the winter when I first noticed her around. At least the weather is warm now.

I like to feed them this food. I have never eaten it but it's meant for people. Something about these "sausages" just doesn't appeal to me. I have no idea what's in them or which parts of the pig and fish they use. Cats seem to like it a lot though.

Just a few steps from the entrance to the shop is where her kittens stay safe. Last night I was feeding them but I forgot to bring my phone so I couldn't get any photos but all three of them were getting pretty close to me. Can you spot them all down there? Seems like a good place to hide from the weather and people.

This one is always nearby and whole lot more skiddish. I am not sure their relationship, is it the father? Is it a boy? I don't know it never goes near people. Some how these cats make a family though. I toss little bits of the sausage under the car it seems happy enough.

This one got close enough I was able to catch it without much of a struggle. It would make a great pet. They both would, very friendly and like being around people. i hope they can find a home and not just grow up and wonder off to an undetermined fate I'm sure with many hungry nights.

I got two cats of my own I rescued in similar situations as these ones. I don't have room more and there is no official organization to help strays in Dalian. There are a few grass roots groups but they mostly help if you pay them. Which is understandable but most people here won't pay and just let the strays be strays.

Anyways, that's enough cats posts for a while. Unless I'm captivated.

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