@jamtaylor announced Winners of his Steemit Photo Challenge with the theme of “Celebrations”, and announced a new theme – “Bokeh”!
Please state clearly in the comments how would you like to be featured in the “Daily Photo Selection”: with a linked photo, or with link only without a photo. We are making a list of photographers who are ready to improve the visibility of their work through the DPS. Thank you.
Sunday is a day of rest for all of us. Thank you.
Daily photo selection is aimed to stimulate photographers in their search of quality. One of the elements that should always be included with your photos, are the information on equipment and exposure data. That way you will give valuable lesson to other photographers, and they will undoubtly respond with more upvotes.
Please, click on photo if you want to
visit the page with all photos
visit the page with all photos
@deterrencepolicy prepared wonderful story of Japanese traditional clothing, kimono, richly illustrated with excellent photos of his wife Tammy as a model…

@melodyrussell had a very successful photoshoot at the Midwest Technical Institute in Springfield, MO, with a model Celka…

@digitalis had a lucky catch – hoverflies mating on the fly!
@mostly.nature used some serious equipment to make this BWPhotoContest entry with the theme of Macro…

@shieha made some very interesting effect with a cheap Lomography medium format Diana F+ camera and Diana Splitzer filter…

@johndogett found a sailing dreamboat by the name of Pathfinder…
@marinauzelac prepared for the Steemit Portrait Photography Contest one very interesting portrait of her colleague…

@fraenk continues excercise in creativity with his googlyeyes…

@daio visited magnificent Peterhof Palace in Sankt Peterburg on a beautiful sunny day…
@brumest found an “alien robot” in a car painting shop…

@alexrickard86 applied for @brumest’s Monomad Contest with this contrasty photo of Georgeopolis in Crete, Greece…

@thedgt sends a bit uneven gallery, but with some very good photos that are well worth seeing…
@jumowa made a funny tutorial on shaving… with himself as a model!

@samuel-earp-art -- 'Walter Peak', New Zealand - Plein Air Painting and Photography

@foxkoit came up with a cool scene for these hot summer days…
@chrissymchavez surprised a man in communication with his phone…

@bragih prepared for the minimalist MonoMad Photographic Contest just – One drop…

Would you like to try a rest in a Lego hotel? Ask @glasnicce.shoots where is it…

@ericoliveira used good old film and Rolleiflex camera to record this portrait of one of the indigenous Kuna people that lived on the gorgeous islands of San Blas in Panamá…
@lighteye shows us how hard is to recall memory on even the simplest things because of that exam anxiety…

This is not a competition. These are not “the best” photos on Steemit. These are just photos I have discovered by going through Steemit pages. Just enjoy and comment wherever you want…