Happiness Quotation - Dalai Lama

Hey there, Steem Fam,

I thought it was time to offer up my first quotation post. ;)

So I chose a simple but so basic to life quote by the Dalai Lama.

I've learned the hard way that all I ever want is to be happy.

I once thought it was to be loved and to love.

Another fav was to live a purposeful life of evolving consciousness and helping others to create their own heaven on Earth lives.

Being wealthy was good because of all the good wealth allows us to do but as an insurance exec told me years ago, my 'problem' was that I'm not motivated by money on its own.

Then when I stopped taking care of my health as well as I always did before and I started noticing the unmistakable results, getting healthy and losing weight became secondary goals.

But happiness is the real deal for me.

It implies freedom, peace of mind and heart, constant Soul alignment and multidimensional living, abundance of money but also every good thing.

Happiness also encompasses:

  • great relationships with a partner if I'm in the mood for that
  • lots of love, support, laughter and fun with family, loved ones, friends, acquaintances and even those moments when my eyes make four or when intuition whispers 'I know her/him' with a total stranger.

Happiness also includes doing work that I'm so passionate and excited about and so in the flow, that work feels more like play.

That I jump out of bed ready and rearing, eager to... work.

That type of plurk is absorbing and I have to pull myself away. And even on a bad day, I get to it because it's a huge, meaningful part of my full self expression.

Being happy in each Now moment is what I'm most grateful for each day.

And after falling off the wagon and gradually forgetting over the slide of a couple decades to expect, create and enjoy total, unbridled happiness, I'm now back on track.

Each day, I'm again waking up with a smile in my heart, a grateful glance at the palm outside my window and the sky and the sun.

Every morning at about 8:15am, EST, the sun blazes in and covers my face with its love and blessing and golden life energy.

I'd stopped noticing that for so long.

But now, my heart sighs each time it lathers me with its golden love. I just checked... it's coming up fast and will soon kiss my forehead, nose, cheeks, neck and left ear.

I chose this little cherub of a girl in the quotation poster above because she's just at the age when she feels in total control of her world. When every moment comes up roses and when Life is one huge, ticklingly funny adventure.

Be happy today.

Choose happiness.

Not that you don't want to feel the whole range of emotions running through Life and Earth and You and you.

Feel them.

You're alive.

And real.

But when you're done with feeling all that is not complete and total happiness and bliss, come back to center.

Come back to happiness.

Never fully leave its circle, its embrace.

Because bliss, the more woo-woo sounding form of happiness, is innate within you.

There's nothing to search for.

There's nothing to find.

It is already a fundamental part of Who You Are.

If it feels like its hiding away from you somewhere, go to the breath.


Fill yourself with your breath.

With Life.

With sun-kissed golden Light.

And feel the happiness within the heart center of every single one of the trillions of cells within your body peeking out to feel if it's safe to come out to play with you.

Smile in each breath.

Fill yourself with the knowingness that you are safe.

That you are free.

To Be.

And as you breathe and embody Safety, Freedom, Love, all your cell Happiness will notice and come flooding out to fill in all the spaces within you.


Continue to breathe.

To open to your cells gifting you with even more Happiness.

Feel it.

Allow it to flood and anchor and well up and over into your surroundings. Into all your life and affairs.

Into this full Now moment.

And this other one entering in Now.

Continue breathing Happiness today.

And share it with Life and all whom you interact.

Bless you, Bless you.

And talk soon....


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