First experiment with "The Daily Sketch" initiative...Complete a drawing under 20 minutes

Hello Steemians

"Learn To Draw With Friends" Art Contest by @tonyr has introduced a new segment called "The Daily Sketch!".
This segment requires participants to submit a drawing completed under 20 minutes on a particular theme specified by @tonyr on a daily basis.
The link to "The Daily Sketch!" is shown below:


As @tonyr has mentioned in his post, a very useful way to improve your drawing skills is to practice frequently,
and you would be amazed as to what you can actually draw in 20 minutes. So do give it a try.

Today's theme is 'Animals'

I searched around for some animal images and picked an animal that I would like to draw, and below is my attempt.

I timed myself to ensure that I spend less than 20 minutes to complete this quick sketch. Hope that it came out okay.

You will notice some letters on the ground?
Can you figure out what the word(s) is?

As there is a time limit, I have only taken a few process pictures.

To start off, I began a rough outline of the drawing.

And then some quick shading

And this is it:

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Thanks for your time and have a great day!

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