[Youtube] My Work (11) - New Video, Announcement of Phase 3 Audition! AS Dance Project, Professional Dancer Training Project

From My previous post of the “My Work Series”, you may know I also work for a dance studio beside the Advertising industry. From my last Work post, I introduced to you a professional dance training Project we are running.

從我之前的”My Work”系列文章,你們都應該知道我除了在廣告界工作,也協助營運一間跳舞學校。上一篇的 “My Work”文章中,我介紹了我們正在營運的專業舞蹈員培訓計劃。


The project name is AS Dance Project, which aim at training professional dancer who can really work in the performance dance industry. After 2 phases of the project, we have trained 26 dancers and 15 of them are now one of the professional dancer in the HK dance industry.

And we are happy to announce the audition of phase 3! So we have a new video for the promotion of the audition. The last video was focusing mainly on the word “dream”. And this time, apart from dream, we added some elements of “Life”, “Human” and “Family” to the video. We want to show that the project is not only training dance technique, but also inviting all participants to the family of dance.

這個 “AS Dance Project” 舞蹈員培訓計劃,致力於培育有志於舞蹈界發展,成為專業舞蹈員的舞蹈新秀。經過兩期的訓練,我們培育出26名舞者,其中15位已是專業的舞蹈員,為香港舞蹈界付出。


I would say generation changed and it’s not easy to find a lot of real dance lover who are willing to giving out their time and sweat in Hong Kong now. But I wish we can still recruit good dancers who can contribute to the dance industry.

If you are in HK and love dancing, try to join the audition. You may get something.

(I had written an article about dance long time ago, you may check it: https://cnsteem.com/art/@aaronli/what-is-dance-for-you-say-something-for-performing-artists-201777t19326797z)



(我很久以前寫過一篇關於舞蹈的文章,有興趣可看看: https://cnsteem.com/art/@aaronli/what-is-dance-for-you-say-something-for-performing-artists-201777t19326797z)


Thanks for spending your time to read my articles. I like to share stories of Hong Kong. I wish you may support me and I will keep going!

Please Upvote and Follow me @aaronli


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