Tango - Art of listening

Credit photo : screen capture from the video bellow. Dancers : Daniela Pucci and Luis Bianchi

The "real" tango is very far away form the black and red outfits and spectacular poses clichés.

In the beginning it was a dance exclusively reserved to the Buenos Aires brothels. The tango walk is inspired by the fancy prostitute's walk.

Since those days the tango have made a long way. The dance became more and more complexe and technical. With the Piazzolla's music and the "tango nuevo" style inspired by it, the Tango became a real Art of dance.

Nothing is written in advance, nothing is planned, there is no choreography. It s a pure improvisation, the present moment lived by two human beings together.

The man is guiding, the woman is following. It is the elementary level of dance, the school work, the learning of the technique. It is a hard work for the man to indicate to the woman where to go, what to do. It is a hard work for the woman to understand this guiding. Once this stage passed, the magic becomes alive.

The great artists of tango guide the woman, letting her follow but also express herself and propose steps in return, in a subtile way, without imposing anything and always respecting the indications of the man. At this point the tango becomes lesson of life, the present moment shared in common, sublimate by the music.

Everything is improvisation, the subtile indication of the body weight, the directions, the turns...all this understood immediately. The music is here to support the dance, but the music doesn't wait. :-)

I share here some of this magic. Enjoy the Art of listening, love.

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