My application in English
I am Adelowo Abraham, I am 31 years old from Nigeria. I am Yoruba by tribe from Oyo State. I currently live in Abuja, the federal capital of Nigeria.
I graduated from the University of Ibadan where I obtained my BSc and MSc in Physics. Presently, I am pursuing my PhD in the same University.
I am well knowledge in my native language which is Yoruba because when I was young, my parents made sure I learnt it and know how to write in it. I am also well knowledge in pidgin English which is a general language in Nigeria. So, I can read and write in English, Yoruba, pidgin English and other Nigerian language like Hausa and Igbo. I can translate from any of these languages to another.
I love open source projects because of their willingness to share ideas together, which is why I like to translate for them.
Thank you.
My application in Yoruba
Oruko mi ni Adelowo Abraham. Mo je omo odun mokanlelogbon lati orile-ede Nigeria. Eya Yoruba ni mo ti wa lati ipinle Oyo. Lowolowo bayi, ilu Abuja ni mo n gbe ti n se olu ilu orile-ede Nigeria.
Mo keko gboye ni ile iwe University ti ilu Ibadan nibiti mo ti keko gboye imo ijinle BSc ati MSc ninu Physics. Lowo lowo bayi mo n keko lati gba oye imo ijinle PhD ni ile owe yi bakanna.
Mo je eni ti o ni imo to kun ninu ede abinibi mi ti se ede Yoruba nitori lati kekere ni awon obi mi ti ri daju pe mo ko ede naa, ti mo si moo ko. Bakanna ni mo tun ni imo to kun ninu ede pidgin English ti o je ede gbogbo gbo ni orile-ede Nigeria. Nitori naa, mo le ko, mo si le ka ni ede oyinbo(english), Yoruba, pidgin English ati awon ede mi ti o wa ni orile-ede Nigeria bi Hausa ati Igbo, ti mo si le tumo eyikeyi ninu awon ede yi si ara won.
Mo nife si awon ise open-source projects nitori pe won yonda lati fi ero parapo. Nitori naa ni mo se fe se itumo fun won.
Ese pupo