Life and Death in a Lyft drive

Hi my name is Leo and I am a Lyft driver.

A few days ago I experienced a very strange drive. It was interesting, to say the least. It was a slow start to my shift, and I decided to wait near the train station, but just as I was arriving, I got the ride request. I quickly accepted it and drove to the pick up location. The passenger was a young guy maybe mid twenties, quiet, and friendly. He didn't say much but I am always the one to try and make the drive a good experience. I tried to start a conversation but could clearly see he was not interested in engaging so after a certain point I stopped talking and put the volume up on the classical music station. We cruised for about 5 minutes before getting another ride request. It was along the same route so we continued on our way. After a bit, we stopped for a red light and I told him a story of a past passenger that I recalled and he seemed interested but the enthusiasm faded quickly and instead to my surprise he started opening up.

He told me he was heading home now after a trying day. His cousin had past away and he just came back from the wake being held in L.A. He had never attended a wake before and nobody explained to him that he would see the corpse in the coffin if he were to go up to it. To most that may be common sense seeing the the coffin up there to begin with but I figured his words didn't match the meaning. He seemed to have been affected greatly by this tragic event and I could relate. This was all said in the next few minutes before arriving to pick up our next passenger. Once we arrived I felt it was too fast, I knew he wouldn't talk after picking up the next passenger and I knew he had a lot to say. I hope he has someone at home that can lend an ear.
Anyway, the next passenger looked like a thug. He wore a shirt three sizes too big, and shorts down to his ankles. It was dark and hard to see past the shadows cast by the dingy street light. He got in the back and sat next to the other passenger. He greeted both of us after I confirmed his name and welcomed him to my car, but after that, silence.
I raised the volume again and we sat listening to classical music for the remainder of the ride. Fortunately, the first passenger was about 2 minutes away from home after picking up the second guy. I saw it as a moment of silence for his cousin.

After dropping off the first passenger, it was about a 15 minute ride before reaching the next passengers destination. He was also heading home. I started out by asking if he had a preference in music. He replied that he loved this kind of music and how relaxing it is. Then I asked how his day went and I was completely surprised by his answer. He began telling me about how he is coming from a celebration. He was celebrating the fact that one of his closest buddies is going to be a first time father in two days time if all went well! He was so excited and enthusiastic that I had to match the enthusiasm! I thought it was very awesome and I congratulated both he and his friend. Then he began to tell me about how he had to sit his friend down and give him the 411. The whole nine yards about becoming a father. I was very impressed at how his demeanor changed into a very responsible and mature sounding adult. He talked about the emotion behind watching his love give birth to their child and the emotion of holding your baby for the first time. He mentioned dealing with it financially and the stresses or other factors involved with the relationships. Talked about postpartum depression and helping his love cope with it if she develops it. It blew me away how much this man knew and how he approached this with his friend. He did tell me he was going to be involved a lot in helping his friend because he could see in his eyes that he was not at all ready for this.
Soon after we reached his destination and I had to bid him farewell and much luck with the new life coming into his friends world, and in turn, in his own world as well. I decided that this would be the last ride for the night. I turned off the app and began driving home. I had some time to think, however, and I thought, why me? I had two passengers who didn't know each other or their stories sitting side by side. Three strangers in one vehicle. I held both their stories now in my head. One dealing with death of a loved one, mourning, and tragedy; the other going through emotions of love, family, birth and a new life. I don't believe in coincidences, and this most definitely was a sign, or a lesson, but what does it mean? hmmm

Hope you all enjoyed my story. I am also a security officer and have plenty of stories to share with you! Thanks for reading.

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