Decent Witness Proposal @precise


the foil - formal, elegant and precise.

To the DECENT community this is my formal proposal.

I have been into cryptocurrencies and the blockchain technology long enough to have witnessed the drama behind Mt Gox and even before that. I started developing apps for Ethereum even before the community was still in doubt of its potentials. More and more cryptocurrencies have been introduced, most of which are just for monetary gains (sadly) but hopes are high for DECENT which will soon be the mainstream blockchain technology that will enable us to easily and fairly credit the distribution of digital content. 

I have an arsenal of tools to maintain a reliable and stable witness node. Backed mainly with my diverse education and experience in the cyber world - from cybersecurity, dev ops, black ops, full-stack development it and i will probably google it (just kidding). 

I always aspire for an elegant solution. I currently maintain an ugly and environmental unfriendly setup of Ethereum Miner. And after a motivation from @tjpezlo I saw the light of switching from PoW (Proof of Work) algorithms to PoS (Proof of Stake) hence my witness node setup and this proposal.

This witness will fully support the network in every capacity and beyond. My aim is to develop and build an ecosystem within the DECENT Network which are composed of the users, the infrastructure and applications that are not only solving current hiccups in technology but also promoting freedom, fairness and privacy of digital content. 

... and this witness will always be precise


If you feel i deserve your vote please vote for my miner/witness node:

vote_for_miner <your_account_name> precise true true

You can also reach me out through the DECENT slack channel with username @precise

Or you can help me reach out to the DECENT community by resteeming this post, or upvoting. 

Thank you. 

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