Meet “Anuvys”: the best possible operative system for crypto enthusiasts and freedom lovers

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Technology is what allows standards of living to improve

It should be no surprise for anyone reading this, that changing the world for the better through technological means is probably the best option we have to solve current issues that are inherent to how our society and its systems has been structured since their inception.

We as a species enjoy exploring and discovering new things, developing new ideas and figuring out new ways to accomplish projects that can enhance our experience in life, being on a constant learning process is what makes us get better as time goes by, and this is why it is important to have an open mind when new paradigms shifts are coming that could change how things work, so we can embrace them fast enough and enjoy the benefits that new innovations always bring.

Technology should be designed to empower the users by increasing their capabilities, productivity, and of course, their freedom, and so far that is what has happened for the most part. Thanks to the technological explosion, especially that from the previous century, today we are living an era with standards of living never known before in the history of humanity, and fortunately, innovation doesn’t stop, it keeps going and new discoveries are constantly being made.

However, as mentioned in the previous article, once the digital era arrived, technology started to also serve other means besides empowering the users, and suddenly we found ourselves being completely monitored by the same technology that should be enhancing our capabilities, but instead, it is spying on us and harvesting every single bit of private information there is.

In Decenternet’s whitepaper they dedicated a section of it to explain their vision about the most valuable thing there is on our planet, it is mentioned that “Human beings are the most valuable resource on this planet because ideas come from the human mind” Source, therefore, controlling people’s ideas would certainly be something very useful for entities who wish to amass large amounts of power over our society, and in order to control a person’s ideas, it is necessary to have as much information as possible about said person.

Our current technological products and the software they run, are plagued by unofficial backdoors certain agencies can use, that allows them to quite literally, spy on innocent people and gather information about them. The NSA, as exposed by Edward Snowden, is capable of developing highly sophisticated ways of doing these type of activities, only possible because the current platforms we use, aren’t as secure as they should be.
Hence, this is clearly a problem that in order to be properly solved, will require something totally new, a complete breakthrough of how things are done in this industry, and this is where Anuvys comes into action.

What is ANUVYS and what are its features?

Anuvys is “the first blockchain OS” Source ever created, it is the default OS for Decenternet but it is not mandatory to use it, and just as blockchain technology is already disrupting several industries as it gradually takes over the world, the same can potentially happen regarding the software that we use for our daily activities.

This new operative system is created with the goal of offering to the world the opportunity of using software exclusively designed to achieve the higher possible performance without hiding activities that violates the user’s privacy, like the current operative systems tend to do all the time.

Some of the features of this new platform are the following:

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Anuvys will completely rely on open source code and it will be financed by a small % of the Spyce mining activities, which is the currency that will be used all over the Decenternet network, so basically this software will be available completely free of charge, and given the fact it will be capable to boost the efficiency when mining Spyce, it could even be profitable for the people who decide to try it and get involved with this project.

This higher efficiency can be possible because the software won’t waste resources collecting information without receiving permission from the user, and then sending that information to third parties, which is a common practice but won’t exist in Anuvys, allowing for the users to have proper control over the tools they are using, and what said tools are really doing. People won’t be forced to have certain applications or programs pre-installed, consuming memory space and reducing the overall speed of the system, the result will be a cleaner and better experience.

The goal of this project is to end up with a complete ecosystem of decentralized software, applications and platforms, to completely free everyone of the continuous risk of being suppressed by someone with the capacity to control traditional centralized mediums.

Nowadays, an ecosystem cannot be complete without a proper way to distribute new developments that enrich the experience of the current users, this is why Anuvys will have its own App Store where decentralized applications after being reviewed and approved by the community, will be available for download, however, since the use of Anuvys is not enforced on anyone, these development will also be available to use in other operative systems, this is done so people are free to choose their own software while also being able to enjoy the benefits of a platform such as this one.

Under this ecosystem, sharing sensitive data can be done with no risk whatsoever, hiding information from the public would therefore, be something impossible, and people will find themselves with such a wide open access to things they didn’t know before, that going back to the centralized old ways would be something no one will have interest in doing so.

The search engine that would be behind this network and that helps for this freedom to be something real is called Liberty Search, and just as it name implies, it is designed to provide access to all kind of data without “any political or economic third-party distortion or influence” | Source, there won’t be more online suppression nor surveillance for those who have the means capable of exposing high levels of corruption that are present all over the world, making the internet be once and for all, truly free, with people being the rightful owners and guardians of their own privacy, as it should be.


Changing the world by developing technological innovations that tackle our current problems seems like the best idea to achieve a solution that can stand the test of time. Decentralizing our digital platforms and the corresponding software can end our current problems consisting of entities spying on people and manipulating the availability of information.

The Anuvys operative system, cannot be used by third parties to gather data about the person using it, and will allow for a much more efficient use of the available computer resources because it won’t come with any unwanted software, nor will it be constantly sending reports of any kind to abusive entities. It is a key element of the Decenternet platform and ecosystem, and will be necessary for people who only want to have a complete decentralized experience in the coming years, however, its use will not be mandatory for people interested in any of the decentralized web applications that will be available under the Decenternet network.

If you want to know more about this project, feel free to:

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