John McAfee- Fighting Back For We The People- STOP USING GOOGLE!

I'm proud to say I haven't used google's search engine for 5 years or more- I realized that Google was the enemy early on. It's now more obvious than ever. I've said for many years now that Google, Facebook, and Twitter are all government constructs- most likely CIA. Think about it- what better way to gather data and build dossiers on all of us than by having us come to them GIVING them the information they seek? These may appear to be entities independent of the government but look at their censorship and specifically WHAT they are censoring and it's not too difficult to realize that they interests they peddle seem to be the very same interests of the deepstate criminals.

They run cover for all sorts of nefarious criminals such as pedophiles by burying pizzagate and pedogate research.

They bribe academia for 'research' results that assert there are no anti-trust issues

They did all they could during the election to promote Hillary Clinton and bury all her crimes.

They do not objectively search and present information- they filter in order to get YOU to think what they want you to think.

John McAfee is fighting back on behalf of humanity. His new product Sentinel (anti-hacking device) could stick it to Google the way in which Google has been sticking it to us. Apparently he would be able to classify Google crawlers as hackers to his Sentinel program and this would prevent Google from indexing data. If you are a freedom fighter/truther you will LOVE this short interview with McAfee

More on MGT's Sentinel ........

I'm very excited at the prospect of McAfee's product destroying Google's dominance but in the interim do yourself and humanity a favor and switch to

Folks we can bury the enemies of We The People in a relatively short period of time is we STOP using the tools that they use to suppress and manipulate us. I admit I still use Twitter but it's obvious that they too are a part of the deepstate censorship team that's waging war against those of us who disseminate the truth. I can't wait until Zappl is up and running- I need to check on the status of that- anyone have any idea when Zappl will be fully operational?

And then there's YouTube- one in the same and owned by Google- they are demonetizing virtually every truther/investigator's videos that I know. It's a blatant display fascist censorship done under the guise of adhering to advertisers wishes. I'd like to know who these alleged complaining advertisers are so we can boycott their truth hating a**es into bankruptcy!

YOU can make a difference folks- we can bury Facebook, Google, Twitter, YouTube and any and all enemies of humanity. Steemit is going a long way in accomplishing that. Sharing monetary rewards is great and I love that about Steemit but what's most appealing to me about participating in this platform is that I know it is and will continue to play a significant role in burying our enemies!

In the spirit of full disclosure I do still begrudgingly use Google images and Google maps from time to time but would love to learn if similar alternatives exist.

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