Deep Think Challenge #1!


Welcome To Our First Challenge

Project Deep Think is proud to announce it's first deep thinking challenge. The rules are simple: answer this weeks challenge question in an original post of your own and follow the submission and voting rules below to enter as a contestant.

This Week's Challenge Question

How do you perceive your ideal self in the technological future? In other words, we want you to write a post that looks into the distant future of your lifetime and imagines what technological and scientific advancements you expect to see, then explain which advancements you would adopt and which ones you would reject and give your reasons why.
Your reasons are ALL valid. We want to hear if you have spiritual or sacred reasons or if you have cold calculating ones.

Would you accept potential immortality from science? What about a neuro-net interface between you and your pet? Will you be selling your crypto right before quantum computing is made real? Will you ever use a Star Trek transporter? Would you ever clone yourself with said transporter? Would you raise a perfect clone of yourself? Would anti-gravity help you get over your fear of heights? Fly-on-the-wall drone bots in exchange for any rights to privacy? Would you colonize space? Give it some thought and come up with a practical idea of what you expect of the future and how you expect to react to it.

Submission And Voting

To enter as a contestant you must do the following:

  1. Create your own post responding to the challenge. Make sure to use the 'deepthink' tag in the topics section.
  2. Upvote this post and reply to it with a short comment describing your position (What technologies you expect to see and adapt or reject, but save the why for others to read in your post). This will be your entry comment. We recommend that you upvote your own entry comment just to be fair to everyone but if you fail to do so or have personal issues with self-voting we'll imagine that you have one more vote in there during the tally. Bot votes are not counted and any seemingly intentional upvotes from bots can result in disqualification. Remember, the tally will be taken from your comment entry. Do whatever you want in the actual post article.
  3. Read and upvote at least two other contestants' entry comments to qualify. The suggested voting criteria is to upvote the entry comment whose post is the most well thought out and well explained response to the challenge question. You can vote on as many entrants as you want, just try to not bias yourself on whomever's answer is closest to your own. Try to vote on the posts that are thinking deepest!

Winning Entries

The posts with the most entry comment upvotes (number of votes, not upvote price value) will win the challenge.
1st Prize: 45% of the SBD payout given to this challenge.
2nd Prize: 35% of the SBD payout given to this challenge.
3rd Prize: 20% of the SBD payout given to this challenge.

Good Luck!

UPDATE: The final day when we will tally the votes will be Tuesday, Sept 12. This will be to allow for a week of posts to have a judgement phase. New entries will be allowed, but do realize that your chances of winning are lower if you didn't submit during the first week. Voters, please do not be dissuaded from upvoting a good entry post even if it is past the payout period. Even with a 0% upvote it should count as a vote we can add on Tuesday.

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