How Long Does It Really Take To Delete Your Facebook Accout

Hey Steemians

With the tag #DeleteFacebook trending and many deleting their accounts due to security breaches of Facebook apparently selling peoples information to company's to stalk them via the internet to sell things to people.


Picture screen shot from the Twitter feed

When you advertise on Facebook and also other sites, even websites that you go on, some with have we have cookies on our sites unfortunately not the ones you can eat, these ones tack what you look at so then they can sell to via ads on sites that put advertising on their sites.

Picture Source

Cookies and coding aren't my expertise but I have expertise in trying to delete Facebook accounts, when I first came online, I didn't know what you were meant to do on Facebook so I was sending out friend request left right and center and this was people that I totally didn't know, in the Marketing industry, I was so lucky many were lovely enough to accept my friendship request and was able to connect on other platforms.

Over three years I really did some damage, went up to 5000 friends about 3-4 times, deleting and adding, liking, commenting not only did I do this to one page, I had two pages with the bonus of business accounts on both, so four pages in total to get under control.

With spending so much time on facebook and noticing I wasn't really into the MLM scene anymore, and diving more into crypto I really didn't need all my information freely given out for everyone to see it was time to tone down and connect with those that were a Community and Society that felt like home than getting the family jewel pics in my messages, and when advertising for opportunitys people only demanding to see me on camera on Skype it was crazy, this did not seem the way to connect with business minded people.

What we need to remember everyone comes online for different things and not everyone wants to know how to make a living they either want you to give them money or a transaction of whats not on offer or information.

When it came time to delete my facebook it took over six months to delete two pages, one business and tidy up the business page as you need to delete all your likes, comments and friends.
There was a way to do this in bulk then facebook as lovely as they are noticed what I was doing and blocked that way of doing it, so it had to be done one by one. (That's how much damage I did, that it took so long, I would sometime spend days just deleting stuff, it was crazy.)

Why not just do like everyone else and click delete page, yeap it's easier to do and takes a few seconds but doesn't solve the issue of all your comments, likes, friends all that information is still lurking out there.
The information still might be lurking out there, but it makes us realize we need to be responsible for our actions, does this drive it home that anyone gets our information and we are freely giving it to them daily.

What's The Option

Decentralization sites are the answer where you are in control of how much information you want to share.

Sites should allow anonymous but you need to be responsible and for your actions as the community's on these sites will hold people responsible for their actions, does that really matter?
Well yes it does when it comes down to being able to earn a living and your rep wont let you gain gifts.

There are many content sites on the blockchain which means whatever you write/type will always be able to be in view holding you responsible for what you write/type.
One site you may want to check out if you need a socialmedia fix if you have just deleted your facebook account is steemit.


To read the fine print in the looooong policy pages, if it has something you don't like don't agree with it, which will mean you wont be able to use the site, remember if people didn't use stuff because everyone else is, it means that people wouldn't have customers, then they would have to change things to the way where people would be happy to use the site or product.

Your information is yours be in charge of it go decentralized!

Thank you for stopping by really appreciate it, have a fabulous Day/Evening!

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The @adsactly society is fabulous - Don't take my word for it check them out on
discord if your interested in the crypto sphere, society.

#makeithealthy project is being held by the fabulous @woman-onthe-wing so you don't need to go healthy by yourself.

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