Smoking and oral health.

Hello guys..
Here i am today at your disposal and i will be shearing with you the effects of smoking on the oral health. You all might be knowing about the adverse effects caused by smoking on the respiratory system but aless will be knowing about what it causes to you oral tissues. So please do read it and don't compromise with your health as there is a wise saying that "mouth is the index of body" If you will keep your mouth healthy your body will automatically be healthy.


Everyone of you will be aware of the fact that smoking causes lung cancer and despite this deadly disease smoking may result in problems like lung emphysema, worsen asthama symptoms , may cause cardio-pulmonary diseases, and some chronic lung problems. Most of the smokers are aware of these adverse effects.

Smoking may result in other adverse effects to your oral tissues and nobody takes toll on that, that includes it decreases the blood flow of your oral orifice and also turns as breeding ground for the bacteria . Smoking also gives you bad breath (oral malador) and not only this smoking also increases the risk of oral cancer.

Now let us explore what smoking does to our oral tissues;

Does it effect our teeth?


Yes of course smoking does effect our teeth in a very bad manner and the damage is very much extensive. Your dentist can repair the damage caused because of smoking but why should we damage our own health.
Smoking results in the decreased blood flow to the oral tissues which inturn results in the decreased ability of a person to fight the bacteria in the oral tissue resulting a very high colonization of the bacteria over your teeth.
By smoking you short-circut your bodies immune system resulting in the loss of ability to fight the bacteria of your mouth that inturn results in the deposition of calculus that gives a yellowish hue to you teeth and even results in loosening of your teeth. Smoking also delays healing of the oral wounds because of decreased blood flow.
The tartar that gets deposited on the surface of oral tissues also decreases the blood supply to a very significant extend. And other forms of non-smoking tobacco like chewing form also has an adverse effect on your oral health. Even some of the companies use sugar in the chewing form of tobacco and keeping that for a longer time in your mouth results in the pre-disposition of the oral diseases.

How bad is smoking to your teeth, do you know?

Smoking cigarettes not only damages your teeth but it may destroy your teeth. I am shearing with you some alarming statistics from the centre for disease control and prevention . So here it is:
●16% of smokers have poor dental health that is four times to that of non-smokers.

●smokers have been found of not visiting the dental clinic for checkup than non-smokers.

●more than a 3rd smoker is having 3 major dental issues.

●female smokers loose 1.5 teeth every 10 years and male smoker loose 2.9 every 10 year.

●64.5% smokers are likely to develop gingival (gum) diseases.

●40% of all the periodontal diseases in USA are attributed to smoking.

What effects does smoking have on your teeth?

Most of the smokers grip cigarette with their lips and teeth hence come in direct contact with the toxins you inhale when you take a drag. The serious problems caused to the teeth are as:

●yellow teeth

●bleeding gums

●deposition of calculus

●tooth decay

●dry mouth (xerostomia)

And these symptoms lead to damage of enamel , greater need for root canal and even loss of tooth,sometimes. Smoking thus cause greater damage to the hard and stop tissue of the oral cavity mere to cosmetic damage.

Smoking what does it do to your gums?


Smoking has far more worse effects on your gums than on teeth. As the tartar (byproduct of smoke) gets deposited in your oral cavity,it accounts to the dryness of your mouth after you smoke. The tartar build up decreases your salivary flow. Nicotine being the most adverse by-product of smoke has a vaso-constructive effect hence resulting in decreased blood flow to the oral tissues mainly your gums. You may observe following symptoms after smoking:

*Tenderness on chewing
*Red and swollen gums
*Foul breath i.e. halitosis
*Loosening of teeth
*Bleeding on brushing
*Colour changes in gingiva i.e blackning of gums
*Receding gum line
The above mentioned symptoms are precursors for the periodontal diseases and if any of you have noticed any of the above mentioned symptoms kindly do visit your family dentist or feel free to contact me . Depending upon the type and severity of the symptom the dentist will treat you by pharmaceutical treatment or by surgical procedure. Doxycycline gel ,anti-biotic mouth-wash and oral antibiotics are usually prescribed.

In addition to the adverse effects caused to the teeth and gingiva smoking may also result in much adverse effects on your oral tissues as it develops the chances of oral cancer, oral thrush (candidiasis), inflamed salivary glands and leucoplakia.

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Smoking decreases prognosis to a greater extend especially the patients undergone oral surgery, single tooth dental implant or full mouth rehabilatation.


Prevention is better than cure you all might be well aware of this phrase and smokers after knowing these adverse effects might be wandering how to prevent all those diseases. Well here it is QUIT SMOKING. Stop smoking and all you develop is a good personality and a health individuality.


However you can delay all those adverse effects of smoking by brushing your teeth twice daily , flossing and using anti-septic mouth-wash as advised by your dentist. Don't ever neglect your oral health ,on seeing any of the adverse symptoms kindly do visit your dentist or oral hygienist.

Alternatives: E-cigarettes

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Electronic cigarettes also called as e-cigarettes are the best alternative to counter the act of smoking. However the effects caused by e-cigarettes is not clear yet but it is found thay the effects will be less detorating than those of smoking cigarettes. So far only one adverse effect of e-cigarettes have been found that is dry mouth but it is believed that it may deteorate the oral health as it contains asbestos fumes.

Special dental care for smokers

If you have no plan of quiting smoking then what you need to do is an extra care of your oral tissues by the following methods :


Tooth brushing and flossing
Tongue cleaning aids

Guys dont worry if you are suffering from any of these diseases or symptoms mentioned above you can reverse those easily by visiting your dentist. If you have turned your teeth yellow because of smoking you can reverse it by applying the veneers- veneers are tooth coloured structures made up of porcelain or zirconia.
Bleaching the other alternative for discoloured teeth is bleaching your teeth by methods like internal bleaching or walking bleaching.
Other is implants if you have lost a tooth structure because of smoking you can put an dental implant to coverup the missing space.

Further you are welcome to contact me if you have an query regarding your oral health you can contact me at:
Iclinic id:

           *Maintain your oral hygiene**
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