Sympathy is Like Sugar. Don't Pour Too Much of It.


Have you ever found yourself 'feeling sorry' for someone?

It could be somebody near or dear - or it could be a complete stranger.

Have you ever showed it?

Well... if you have done this with a few different people then you would know that different people react to sympathy in different ways.

Some will warm to you, as your sympathy offers warmth in their cold lives.

Others will distance themselves from you - both politely and not.

Others still might react with hostility.


If you think about it its not only humans that react in such a way. Trying to touch and treat a pet that is injured could lead to that pet attacking you out of defensive instinct.

Of course when it comes to humans there can be other factors at play.

For instance, some of us are proud and do not want to seem weak (also a common pet behavior).

Others might simply interpret one's sympathy as being contrived - considering it as pity.

In truth a lot of people feel being the receiver of pity to be a negative thing.

It makes one feel less human - less worthy ... or simply... 'less'.


I kind of know how it feels to be on the receiving end of unwanted sympathy. I know that whoever it was meant no harm by it. This does not mean that the negative connotations of sympathy and pity do not affect oneself anyway.

Now some people will accept sympathy. Some might even accept handouts. Those who 'would' accept handouts might even expect or feel 'entitled' to it. Such persons either have different values o their situations were desperate.

The truth is that such charity does not give a person dignity. It gives no reason to feel pride. It also does not make one a better person.

What a fair number of such persons truly want is simple understanding. Somebody to share their troubles with and one from whom to perhaps ask advice.

Through the seed of communication we are drawn closer together. It may even be possible to find a way to assist that does not classify as a handout.


Have you ever felt yourself to be on the giving or receiving end of such sympathy? Was it for you a less or more pleasant experience? I'd love to hear your opinion and views down in the comments below.

If you found this post interesting and would like to share this with your followers and friends then a resteem is always appreciated.

Also do get in touch with me in comments below. A civil conversation can go a long way.


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