My friends @melaleuca who always thought as a girl because of his beautiful article ,so he wants to change his profile picture to show people that he is a boy who loves ACM and No.6 is his favorite numer.
I designed this profile picture for him based on his requirements,I wish him would like it .
看了@melaleuca的求steemit专属头像文章,对于 Melaleuca被人误以为是软萌妹的经历感同身受,我也要为Melaleuca设计一个头像,希望这个头像能够解除Melaleuca的困惑,满足Melaleuca的需求。
最后,超级超级抱歉,拖了好几天,总算画出来啦,希望 @melaleuca能喜欢。
1、Best wishes for you —My painting
2、新人elmseeds前来报道 |月旦评—Myself introduction
3、Design a magic bitbaby for you —My design
4、求分身神术 | "三个一"活动—My painting
5、Some fruits for you | 暖心水果送给大家—My painting