Something I designed a long time ago in school. (+ some news)

I created this Bird Bike with SolidWorks. Too bad it was a bit too complicated to build at the time. I might be able to do this again on FreeCAD on my Linux rig, and possibly even make a physical copy. I might already have enough tools to.


I've shown this off on Diaspora a while back, but I guess I had to also show you guys what I can do.

I know I haven't been very active on Steemit lately, and even my third photo challenge picture never got taken. I've been struggling with health issues for a while now, not knowing what really is wrong with me going down with fever and respiratory tract illnesses repeatedly. I'm starting to feel a bit worried.

I just got better from having a fever and cough for 4 days. Still have the cough but the fever has gone. I am planning to get my camera and shoot the winter while I still can. Today morning it looked nice, slight snowfall, -9°C. It would've been a perfect photography weather but then the clouds dispersed and the sun came out... It'll be below 20°C tomorrow, and starts warming up afterwards, but I know these are the days I should be prepared to whip the camera out and start shooting.

Also. The Go Club I founded in 2012, Saarto, has reached 5 years tomorrow. 5 years with almost non-stop weekly games nights. (I've managed to do that at least. Seriously patting myself on the back now.) We will be celebrating its birthday next Saturday. It'll be fun.

Well, I'll continue this with another post at a later time, when I get some chores off my back. See ya later!

[Previous post: SteemitPhotoChallenge 24 Roads & Paths, entry 2: The path in green]

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