Sherlock Bones and Dr. Wagson - @tarc Charity Cloth Diaper Design

Cloth diapers are addictive. Yes, they save money (theoretically), are good for the environment, and are soft on baby’s bum. But a lot of times the gorgeous prints and colors are just too good to pass up.

When Evie was about 5 months old I started switching from using disposable diapers to cloth as a way to cut some household expenses and help the environment. A few months later, my friend Emerald gave birth to her baby girl, Sapphira, and started using cloth as well.

We soon found ourselves addicted, as many cloth diapering mommies do, so we took it to the next step. Last summer Emmy had this bright idea to start a business creating custom nerdy designs for cloth diapers, and she roped myself, her sister Amber, and some other friends of ours into it. We call ourselves N3RDfluff, and our main goal is to create original designs that fit in with nerd and geek cultures without infringing on any copyrights. Here are a few of the diapers that have already been made with our designs.

Untitled design.jpg

One of the things we wanted to do from the beginning was run designs to raise funds for different charities. The idea is that minus the manufacturer cost, the remaining profit would go to the charity that that particular design is for. But the opportunity never came up. Till I met @rhondak of @tarc.

I was impressed by how much Rhonda does for these dogs that are abandoned, and how little support she gets from the local community. While I was trying to think of a way to help raise funds for her, I went to my N3RDfluff partners and proposed creating a design for @tarc.

Emmy offered a lovely drawing that she made of two dogs that belong to a friend of hers, making them look like Sherlock and Watson, and I paired them with a few graphics that I found on pngtree (that I have the license to use). The image at the top of this post is the finished design.

If you use cloth diapers, know someone who does, or just want to help support a great cause, please follow the link below and place a pre-order. We need to have a minimum order quantity of at least 30 before the design can be made into an actual diaper. There’s no upfront cost, but once the design reaches MOQ, we will send out invoices for payment.

Sherlock Bones and Dr. Wagson PRE-ORDER

In addition, the SBD payout from this post will either go directly to @tarc, or go to cover the cost of any extra diapers needed to reach MOQ.

Thank you for reading and for your help in supporting @tarc!

All images are copyrighted to N3RDfluff Apparel. Since I am part of N3RDfluff, I have the right to use these images.

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