W0olf's Design a Character Challenge Week #7 (Color Scheme) Entry

DAC (Color-Scheme) Cover.jpg

This is my entry for the @w0olf's character design based on his given color scheme.

Final image:DAC (Color-Scheme) progress n final.jpg

Here is the contest link.


Medium : Photoshop CS6

My first idea for this challenge has something to do with nature because of the color palette that @w0olf has decided. But I tried to do something a little different. I thought green and yellow can be used to depict technology (like Matrix or chipset grid) so I go with that. The two shades of dark yellow (peach and chocolate) are used for the subject's skin and the rusty weapon. I also put some white for highlights and a low-opacity layer of black for the shading part.

The whole designing process including the animated gif at the bottom took about 3 to 4 hours. The character is perhaps a hero that was teleported into a digital world, or a sci-fi landscape with giant computer hardwares as its infrastructures. Or he was shrinked and forced to fight viruses or the technology itself. Maybe it happened in a dystopian or a post apocalyptic world too, which explained his retro/futuristic fusion of a weapon. I imagined this character design could work in a simple game or 2d animation with limited color. And I thought of a name for him. His name was Kylo Byte. Ok, just kidding. I dont really have a name. If you have any suggestion, you may put it in the comment. :D

The following single images are my progression to the final outcome:

DAC (Color-Scheme) progress a.jpg
DAC (Color-Scheme) progress b.jpg
DAC (Color-Scheme) progress c.jpg
DAC (Color-Scheme) progress d.jpg
DAC (Color-Scheme) progress e.jpg
DAC (Color-Scheme) progress f.jpg
DAC (Color-Scheme) progress g.jpg
DAC (Color-Scheme) progress i.jpg
DAC (Color-Scheme) progress j.jpg
DAC (Color-Scheme) progress k.jpg
DAC (Color-Scheme) progress l.jpg
DAC (Color-Scheme) progress m.jpg
DAC (Color-Scheme) progress n.jpg

The process gif:


I also made a simple animated gif for this challenge:


So that's it for this post. Thank you for your support and for visiting my blog. Until we meet again.


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