Monthly Developement Update [JUNE 2017]


Today I solidified

Another chunk of code inside what I am calling the steemservice within the steemstars application, it is a service that handles listening to and recording operations on the steem blockchain specifically three which steemstars is interested in:



*Create Account

The chunk of code that I finished today specifically deals with one of those cases which is a follow operation, as such anytime a follow occurs on the steem blockchain my application sees it and does something with it. Take a look at the code here:


The results:

This is what outputs to the console of the server as a result:



And the repo commit can be found here:

Asking for help

On a side not if there any developers that would be interested in helping me write tests, I would be deeply grateful as you can see I am very bad and have left it off for a bit, but I do have a testing suite in place chai coveralls and mocha are what I use for testing.


Thank you for your time and attention.
Regards, Your friendly neighborhood Galactic Trade Council


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