Press4Steem: A new project from SteemWOW & Pennsif


The @SteemWOW team are proud to join forces with @pennsif to bring you a brand new WordPress to Steem bridge! @freelance.monkey is lead designer on the project, while I'm lead developer. @pennsif will be looking after testing, promotion and business development.

Press4Steem is a WordPress plugin to easily re-post your WordPress posts direct to Steem.

Your posting key doesn't get stored in WordPress or transmitted to our server or any other 3rd party server; at no point does it leave your browser.

We already have a proof of concept working, so let's take a look!


Press4Steem is installed as per any other WordPress plugin:


When we edit a WordPress post, we see a new button at top right:


When that button is clicked, we get the following dialogue:


Here, we input our Steem name and Posting Key, select post reward ratio, and enter the Steem tags we'd like to use.

The Posting Key never leaves the browser. Just as with, it's up to the user whether they want to have their browser remember it, or paste it every time.

The dsteem library uses the Posting Key to create a signature proving that the user really wrote the post, and it's this signature which is transmitted to the API node and stored on the blockchain.

After posting, we see a confirmation:


And here on Steemit, we can see that very post:


Here's an example of the API request that makes the post. You can see that only the signature, which indicates your account really made the post, goes out over the network - rather than the private key itself.


Launch Plans

We are excited to officially launch the plugin as soon as possible. It still needs further testing, and there are some features we'd like to add.

The plugin already detects if a given WordPress post has been posted to Steem before, to prevent duplication; but we'd like to have it offer to update the Steem post if edits have been made to the WordPress post.

We'd also like to have fancier permlinks derived from the post title, in a similar way to how permlinks are generated when posting from

As Press4Steem will be available for all Steemians, we'd be really grateful for your voting support and in particular your witness vote!

Please drop a witness vote for SteemWOW and Pennsif.witness

We'd love to have a witness vote from you to support this and other joint @steemwow / @pennsif.witness projects 🙂

Simply go to the Steemit Wallet Witness list, and tick both our arrows:


We'd really love to climb up above some of the disabled witnesses, and the further we get the more cool stuff we can bring you!

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