Attention: Calling All Developers - Let's Polish The Mothership!

There is a talented group of developers in the Steemit community! The tools on, as well as all the other projects that are being worked on and developed to support things on the block-chain are extremely impressive!

What I have seen though is everybody is working on their own projects. There are tons of separate websites springing up to do all kinds of cool things, but very few people (other than the official Steemit dev team) are actually making changes to the website.

I know that some of you are working on some truly groundbreaking projects that are separate from the website, so if that is you then you can skip this request. Some of you are strongly against a single centralized product that everyone uses, so you can skip this too. But for the rest of you: please hear me out.

If we can build out the Steemit UI to provide an excellent user experience, rich with features and fun ways to interact (and make money too), we are going to attract and keep tons of users here. All of you that are here know the potential that this site has to offer if we can turn it into a full-blown mainstream social media site.

Let's make it happen! is an open source project, and any developer can make changes and submit them to the project via a GitHub pull request!

Here are some reasonable changes that I think could be done quite easily within a few weeks if the community made an effort to work on them:

  • A confirmation box before the UI "Resteems"
  • Splitting the "Blog" tab into separate "Blog" and "Resteem" tabs
  • Display the count, as well as which users have Resteemed a post
  • Display a user's "joined date" on their profile
  • Represent how much Steem Power vests a user has next to their reputation
  • Allow users to see all available/used tags instead of just the top ones
  • Add a tab along with "Blog", "Comments", etc. that shows a user's voting history

If we can quickly tackle these, there are tons more to work on! Feel free to implement your own changes too! (These are just suggestions.)

Process Suggestions:

Open an issue in GitHub and ask the dev team to assign it to you before you start any work. This will minimize the chance that you and someone else will spend time working on the same thing. It will also give the dev team a chance to say "no" if they think the change is a bad idea, before you do the coding work.

If you have any questions, please head to the dev channel in Steemit chat!

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