DGB will come back! MUST READ reaction from Jared Tate (Owner of Digibyte)

MUST READ: From Jared Tate, CEO of DigiByte, on the Citi Challenge (self.Digibyte)

Posted to the Telegram group immediately following the event. 6/9/17 6:00pm Singapore local time
"Hello everyone! So a great company with advanced facial recognition was selected today. However we are still in the running for over 30 awards in July presented in Washington DC.
We have made several great connections with several people at Citi, MasterCard, PwC and Microsoft. As well as some government authorities. We have several meetings setup.
They will continue to introduce us to new clients and future partners. All the main major global awards have not been announced yet. These will be announced in July.
A huge thank you to the community for your support for this event! We have had a tremendous outpouring of support! Remember we are still in the running for the Global awards and we think our chances are good! We are starting to actively talk and work with several of these big companies! We are looking forward to the future of DigiByte!"

Price dropped allot last few days after the singapore meeting with the citi challenge. But this is just the start of digibyte introducing to the big company's and joining the big challenge's! Buy now before they will raise again in July and make a big profit!*

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