Discordian views of the things that go black in the night...

This is going to go into some spiritualist and esoteric realms of things that cannot be proven. No scientific method is claimed to have been applied in this particular article. It is full of speculation, imaginings and stories of where those imagining went.

Where did the magick come from?

Source: www.theministryofmagic.com

Have you ever wondered where our esoteric ideas come from? I have. It may also be why I have my own personal views and why I kind of went towards the Discordian perspective of things (aka Chaos Magick) without knowing such a thing existed (until a couple of weeks ago).

I witnessed the birth of magick in one locale, among one group of youth, and had a ring side, or often participators seat to how it unfolded and seemed to take on a life of it's own.

I came from an early child hood interest in UFOs, Bigfoot, and Ghost Stories. My parents were hippies. I was known to be voracious about consuming stories about such things. I also looked for ghosts for fun well before that became a popular reality TV money maker. I also was into Martial Arts and had studied a few that had the concept of Chi.

Source: www.wakingtimes.com

I was always very energetic and hyper as a kid. I was known for having a lot of energy. I'd been known to trip coming off the school bus which my friends and I were stuck on for 4 hours a day (no joke) together. As I tripped I would twist and land and be laughing and bounce back up on my feet. I was like a battery. Yet I never considered myself as such at that point.

Source: www.youtube.com

Wait, you can do that?

I happened to be with some friends one afternoon and they were talking about passing energy around in what they were calling a "Chi circle" where the people in the circle mentally pictured moving the chi around from one person to the next.

You can do that? This was a light bulb moment for me. I was the one who was actively studying with a guy 4 hours a week doing Tai Chi, Tibetan Style White Crane Kung Fu, Pa Kua Chang, and Wing Chun all roled up into one. Yes, this predated the term mixed martial arts, but Bruce Lee had already made the concept of mixed martial arts popular before it really had a societal label.

Source: www.cropcircleconnector.com

I was in my mid-teens probably 15 or so when this occurred. Yet out of the people doing this "chi circle" I was the only one regularly doing things that were supposed to strengthen your ability to tap into chi and use it. Up until that point I'd viewed it purely from a combat, and health perspective. I had never considered the possibility of Chi going outside of myself.

Light bulb. As soon as they told me what they were doing. I understood it. It opened so many doors I'd never even known were there. You can move chi. Wow.

Source: www.dreamstime.com

I had to try this chi circle.

We are standing in this little park that had 3 of the half-sized phone booths (remember phone booths?) and it was night and myself and four other friends decided to do a chi circle. It was my first time.

Oh yes, I feel this... the energy flowing out of me to the right, and coming in from the left, and out from the right. I am suddenly very drained. This is not like me. No problem, you can move chi.

I mentally visualized reaching down into the ground and the grass I was standing on and drawing chi back up into me. Wow! It definitely seemed to work. I felt more hyper and charged than I think I ever was. My arms were tingly and it felt kind of like little magnets were playing and interacting with my body.

Source: www.energygatesqiqong.com

Things got weirder... if you can imagine

Energy. What can I do with it? What can we do with it? I know I was babbling with excitement. I know at some point one friend or another interjected the idea that we were messing with things we should not. Pseudo-religious fear of demons and other things creeped into our discussions.

"I am being attacked, I feel it," says one of my friends. I don't see anything. "I can see your aura it looks like its taking a pounding," says another as I'm sitting there thinking what is attacking them, and what is with this aura stuff? "I'll lend you a shield and help push it back," says another. They've done this before. During this phase I didn't see anything, experience anything, etc. I did witness first hand imaginations going off on many tangents and creating new things and new beliefs. This encounter was definitely fueled by some religious overtones not of my making.

Source: thespiritscience.net

Eventually, they freaked themselves out and decided they were messing with things they should not. I have experienced this before when as a much younger version of me I destroyed a pretty amazing EVP out of fear of the ghost I recorded being mad at me for not helping like I promised. So I have seen where imagination run wild can run.

Does this explain possibly where many things come from?

So now we are sitting in the front seat of a car facing out towards the town's largest park. Behind us is a large two story building made of red brick and blue painted cast iron molding. The building is a large and well known building in town.

Source: www.rockymountainprofiles.com

A New and terrifying experience

I am talking to the two other guys when I see and feel this immense big shadowy thing slide up and around the edge of that building as it went by. It was very large like a flattened elephant yet 100% black with nothing other than an amorphous black shape that slid around the edge of the building. If you saw the remake of Bram Stoker's Dracula that came out years later it was similar to the shadow play they did in there but the shadows were much more opaque and black. It was a black that was blacker than the night around me.

Source: www.youtube.com

I was panicing and shouting and freaking out. The two in the car asked me what I was talking about. It took me awhile to calm down and only when I calmed down did I begin to question my experience.

I had been facing the park. My back was to that building. So why did I have a clear vision of that as though I had been staring at that building.

I cannot tell you for certain. The excursions of that night were over. It did open my mind to exploring a lot of weird corners of reality or pseudo-reality that I hadn't considered before.

Remember when I mentioned feeling drained in the chi circle. Well two of my friends reported that one of my other friends was unusually hyper all night like I normally am. They had a sleep over. He would later admit he decided not to pass on the chi in the circle and see what happens if he kept it for himself.

These events happened in rapid succession and would spring from our imaginations fully formed. They seemed very real while they were occurring. Who can say that this is not how many concepts in our past are born?

The So Black Things...

The black thing scared me. I spent quite a bit of time thinking about that. I still do. A couple of years later I met my biological father for the first time I could remember. He it turns out was obsessed by esoteric, new age, occult, and far east ideas. He was extremely well versed in it.

I told him about this shadow. He told me it was a Pooka or perhaps me witnessing the mind intent of another given form that normally cannot be perceived.

Source: clickdamage.com

Okay I could work with that...

I'm not the only one...

I have only seen the black thing like that one time. I always liked to think of blindly throwing energy around could be like lighting a candle in the darkness. What might come to the candle? What might being able to see into the darkness reveal that normally cannot be seen?

I only experienced it once...

I have been with others twice when it happened to them. In both of those other cases the people were not doing anything or discussing anything of this nature. They were there and then just panicing and babbling and when they calmed down they described a black thing.

One friend was panicing and thought it might have been a bear until he calmed down and said it was like a black shadow sliding across the back of that pickup truck.

Source: thisisnotatrueending.com

Another time some of us had been out ghost hunting and one of my roommates that knew nothing of the events came home and described seeing a black shadow floating along the ground near our house. She was nervous and freaked out and had just been walking home from the super market. In that case those of us ghost hunting had felt like there was something following us... and then she came home and reported that.

Source: pintrest.com

My wife had such an encounter with one in a different part of college on a back road and later in a dorm.

So what are they?

I started thinking about that mind intent of someone else statement my biological father had made. I'd already started thinking about energy in a very different way. I'd started using it to explain most religions, magics, etc. I wrote about some of this in my post Esoterica, Magic, and perhaps other Occulted concepts.

I started to wonder if I or those around me could have been responsible.

Have you ever looked for a ghost? Have you ever stopped and noticed a freaked out friend seeming to give off warmth, static, or some other form of perceptible energy as they are afraid?

It seems something could be fueled by this. Perhaps this was what fueled the blackness. Perhaps this was something ghosts used to aid themselves in manifestation.

Source: villains.wikia.com

I know as I became less frightened while looking for ghosts and more accustomed to it I had less encounters, and experienced less things. Was I perhaps not radiating uncontrolled energy to fuel the manifestations?

So what can you do with it?

Maybe I can make one.

Source: soliaonline.com

I first visualized a little thing in a corner of my room and would visualize sending it energy and such. I never saw anything, but I do recall the first time some girl did a double take and was looking up into that corner saying she swore she saw something up there in the corner.

Hmmm.... maybe there is something to this

Those three things I referred to as Anchors in my post I made yesterday "For my discordian friends out there in steemit land..." they were a practiced attempt at this.

Some of my children from my 2nd marriage (not biologically mine) returned from where their step mother was who was into curses, tarot, and considered herself a witch. By the way they talked about her interests she was definitely not the And it hurt none do as thou wilt type. She liked the idea of hurting others... She referred to herself as the Queen of Diamonds.

Source: www.youtube.com

I was seeing little shadows of insects and keep thinking an ant was on my desk, or a spider and I'd go to kill it and there would be nothing there. My family members told me about larger shadows. I said "I'm pretty sure I can fix this."

Source: www.thisiscolossal.com

Those diagrams. They were intended as houses/anchors for three of these mind intent creations. The simple one was a general protect this house type. The more elaborate ones were specifically targeted to counter her. They have very specific rules and those in my family were aware. None of my rules were harmful. I just made rules that they feed on others of their kind that came with aggressive intent. :)

So thus those diagrams are explained. The names of the three pookas, the target, and the rules by which they exist were defined within those diagrams...

Enjoy... another weird and definitely not scientific tale. :)

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