The Old Dog Suggests: Stop and Smell The TULIPS? I Did Just That And my Discovery Left me Pleasantly Surprised!

 Be Observant, Be Curious, Discover, Stop, Explore, Blog and Have Fun!

Steemit keeps me on my toes and the other day I stopped the car and explored when I saw a sign advertising tulips for sale at $1 each using the honor system! 

I couldn't resist having a look!

The crop of flowers looked well picked at and it had me intrigued!

@lellabird60 gets ready to pay for her tulips! It's so nice to see and use the honor system!

Who Was Selling These Tulips And What Was it All About?

As @lellabird and I arrived to pick our tulips there were two other woman there and they explained to us that the flowers and other products and crops were planted by the students of  l’Istituto Sant’Angelo di Loverciano under the supervision and direction of professional gardeners. This school is for mentally challenged and troubled children and adolescents, especially those with social problems. It turns out that they plant and produce a lot more than just flowers!

We Had to Investigate a Little More! The Results Were Surprising!

We went through the main entrance gate into what appeared to be a rather small modest place but it turned out to be much, much more!

The modest entrance into the institute gave little evidence as to it's grandeur and scope!

A small section of the old villa complex.

The complex is being renovated in order to keep its history and its elegance!

What Else Was Available At The Institue?

Once inside we began to discover that there was a lot more available under local production.

  • Fresh free range eggs
  • A selection of other produce including saffron and other herbs
  • Bio meat raised and butchered on site
  • wine produced with grapes grown at the institutes vineyard.

Pick up some honor system free range eggs at 60 cents each!

How about some wine grown in their own vineyard?

Their own production of the precious spice safron!

Here is a view of part of the grape vineyard! I couldn't believe how vast the complex was beyond the entrance gates!

Part of the complex includes a farm!

Courses Available at The Institute

Besides a full program of other courses the students can specialize in the following areas.

  • Domestic economy
  • Cooking (they produce gourmet meals and think that you can book to eat there!)
  • Construction work including painting, electrical, bricklaying etc...
  • Gardening

All This Discovery Because I Stopped to Smell The Tulips!

Amazing Discoveries Are Often Close at Hand!

I have passed by this place several times a day for the past 14 years and I had no idea that such a vast complex was beyond the humble entrance!

I don't know how happy the young people are that live, learn and work at this institute but it seems to me that they have a wonderful place to go to that keeps them in touch with nature.

Things to Discuss:

  • What is a recent discovery that you have made?
  • Has being a Steemit blogger made you more curious?
  • Does this type of institute seem to be a good thing?

I hope that you enjoyed this article about "Stop And Smell The Tulips"!

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Remember, I reward the best comment(s) on each of my posts with my "The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone" program! So please re-steem and follow so that we can spread the wealth!     

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