Letting your Dreams Out - Are You Enslaved?


What's really available to you? People will tell me all the time that nobody can keep them down - or that nobody can keep them from accomplishing their dreams - and for the most part thats true. We see that message promoted through the entertainment industry, weather a movie character like Cinderella, or an Emmy or Oscar winner where someone is telling us that we can accomplish our dreams with 'hard work' or 'believing in ourselves'. Very few of us are really actually enslaved. Maybe a few of us, but for the most part we have the ability to make our own choices and do what we want. Pursuing our dreams and desires.

If this were true - then why is our society fading in debt, obesity, prescriptions and depression?

De we just lack the desire to accomplish anything? Are we actually enslaved? What is with the fade?
There are I'm sure plenty of things that contribute to this, and I would love your thoughts, as well as your experience if you would like to share them.

I have found that we mostly live enslaved

I get to interact with many young adults in my vocation. Most have been, or are currently being 'educated.' Most of their perspective is shadowed by fear or insecurity. They are in the grind of college, looking for next internship or opportunity to 'make it'. Very few are actually making decisions in their life based on what they really want. There are two big lies I have seen.

  1. The fear of not measuring up. This could be to some standard that they feel from the system, or from their parents or some other loved ones - that they will never really hit the mark. Therefore limiting their desire to really try and tap into the deep desires in their hearts.
  2. The fear of their dreams being just that also holds people down. Most people have incredible dreams and desires if you can actually get to them. It only requires you unfolding years of disappointments, fears, and perceived failures.

Most people have been so properly 'educated' that they realized the dreams and impacts they want to make in the world will have little to no chance to ever materialize. They look at them like 1 in a million type odd's. Early on they may subconsciously feel that - but gradually through the teenage years they become conscious of that, and start functioning from that reality. With each new experience of 'learning' people get pushed a bit deeper into the education system. The next test only builds on the comparison a little bit more, and with each new experience dreams and desires get locked away a little bit deeper, and our need to fit the mold gets set a little firmer.


I have been following a series of articles put out by @nomad17 talking about this idea of education vs learning (I will attach a link to the articles at the bottom). @Nomad17 talks of the impacts of this system having on young people's inability to learn. Which I totally agree with.

The question I want to ask here - and again would love your thoughts -

Are you actually living out your dream?

And if not why? Are you a product of being educated? We are not really slaves...are we? Do you have things deep down in your heart that you are afraid to actually let out? Have you found your way through the education system where you have been able to find life in spite of it. Or maybe the education system has been amazing for you!

Again, I just shared a few of the reasons that I have seen in my own experience - and do not claim it to be the only reasons of why our dreams get shut down and our desires never really have a chance to be born. I would like to help people actually get their dreams and desires out and on track to see them play out...

Tell me your thoughts...


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