What is the Thing for Steem? #Discussion


This post is to further a #discussion started by @timcliff about what will be the big thing to bring in users on Steemit.

Bellow is my ideas about what will be Steemits 'Thing'

We all know that Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter are huge players in social media. They all provide users a way to share ideas and thoughts with images and videos in there own ways.

Steemit is different because even for someone like me with little computer knowledge I am able to connect with users with more options. I find it more personal when I am commenting from around the globe while also learning more about different cultures.


I think the challenges with payouts and giveaways will help to draw in new crowds and continue engagement with current users. On a larger scale the use in countries like Nigeria and India for social networking for a profit is amazing.

I think Steemit will find its 'Thing' being Emerging Countries and Cities just adapting to electricity and internet. By reaching out to those that have not yet to even create a Facebook or Instagram.

Company accounts will also be big for Steemit. Most companies Big and small have a Facebook and Instagram Account. By showing companies the value in creating and maintaining a Steemit account to promote and sell their product we can see a huge spike in Steemit Use and Users.

These are some of my @isteemithard thoughts what are yours let me know in the comments?


How to grow the #discussion tag
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Above #discussion rules by @timcliff

Tips for starting a good #discussion post
Find a good thumbnail image that catches the viewer's attention.
(You can use Pixabay if you are looking for CCO images.)
Create an interesting title that draws the reader in.
Provide any necessary background info about the topic.
Make it clear what is being discussed / what input is needed.
Let people know that you are looking for thoughtful responses/comments.
Take the time to engage with the discussion.
Possibly create a regular (daily or weekly) series.
Foster good responses by giving strong upvotes proportional to quality.

Above #discussion rules by @timcliff


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