"These Idiots..."


On Facebook recently I saw someone comment "these idiots" on some random post, and it got me thinking.

If you have a strong opinion about a hotly debated topic, and you're convinced those with an opposing view are "idiots," it's likely you don't understand their perspective well or you don't understand them as individuals with experiences which have led them to their currently held view.

Make an argument.

Defend it with reason, logic, and evidence.

We learned as kids name-calling is childish so let's be adults now. Those who have changed their minds because of good arguments understand how this works. Yes, having changed your mind, you may feel silly for a little while, but you're also humbled by how many other strong views you have which may not have been very well supported.

You begin to value epistemology more.

You're a little slower to claim you're "absolutely sure."

You're more open to correction.

Essentially, you work a little harder to avoid someone thinking you are the "idiot" next time.

I posted about this idea in great detail a year ago, and I'm thinking about it again with all the polarized discussions I'm seeing online. This post seems more relevant than ever:

We Disagree. Are You Ignorant, Immoral, or Stupid?

If you have the time, check it out and let me know what you think.

Luke Stokes is a father, husband, business owner, programmer, and voluntaryist who wants to help create a world we all want to live in. Visit UnderstandingBlockchainFreedom.com

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