Can We Preserve Landmarks with Blockchain? If So, How?

In the midst of a journey trying to find a way to apply blockchain technology into park management and cultural development, I came across this question:

Can blockchain make a contribution to the cultural landmark preservation practice? If so, what are the ways to do so?


Whether it is an old living tree, a building, or a heritage site, the idea of preservation often comes from an “identity” that represents history and values. Currently, preservationist practice is struggling with general public awareness and rudimentary understanding of the significances of objectives or places. Blockchain can definitely broaden the overall perspective and foster integration for public engagement.

One way I can think of immediately is a blockchain crowd-funding strategy: Blockchain can store historic information about the landmark and rewards can be distributed to the community’s management program. Besides the fundraising idea, I am wondering how much the technology could be impactful on the practice itself and would like to open up a discussion from here.



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