Overhead camera rig DIY with PVC tubes


Drawing is one of the most an engaged activities I do after joining Steem. Mainly created art for contest purpose, I figured that record the process would actually help in several ways:

  • It could be another new content in video form. So I can post it in dTube in a seperate post.
  • It could serve the educational purpose by showing the audience all the detailed step that happends in the process.
  • Better documentation for future self-referencing.

While I do the drawing most of the time on my computer desk, I have to improvise the camera setup every time before starting the art creation. Just to end up spending too much time trying to test new camera setup method and to improve the previous setup. The setup processes less fun over time and it just depletes my motivation on starting a new art drawing.

I need some fixed setup and it has to work!

Overhead camera rig building


First I prepared some pre-measured PVC parts which I got from local hardware shop for less than 10 SGD. The longest tube is 30cm and shortest is 10cm. This can be varies base on your working environment.


Connect the tubes up with the connectors. No need to use glue here as the connection will be tight enough if you put enough strength. Also flexibility and modularity can be kept for future modification.


Xiaoyi 4k action camera and the Joby gorillapod action tripod was the old and main gear that used to improvised with various tools for previous art recording.


The camera rig is almost finished now. Fits just nice in the available space of my desktop.



Hang the action camera from the extended tube and we are ready to do. I put a sketchbook under the rig just for effect illustration. This is by far the best setup that free me from worrying how to set the camera angle nice enough to capture everything that is happening on the table. The only drawback was I can work on the camera connection better by just hanging it like that as it will still swing a little subject to movement, but that would work for now. Things now look cool and definitely working!

加入 Steem 以来重新开始了画画之旅,由于年前入手了小蚁运动相机,也决定物尽其用开始拍摄绘画过程。那么一次绘画就会有起码可以产生两个内容,以后有时间还可以编辑好了发在 dTube 上。但一直以来最头痛的问题就是拍摄工具搭建方式。由于没有固定的设立方式,每次开始绘画之前总得折腾一番,运动相机和三脚架的结合适合出外使用,在桌上固定拍摄却不是那么回事了。所以渐渐这也消磨了我绘画的热情,好在终于想出了一个好方法,那就是 DIY 自建一个相机架,使用的是平常用作水管的 PVC 管。


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