How To Re-fill Propane Bottles, Up-cycle and Save...

You know those little green propane bottles that are used in camp stoves and heaters, save them!


Those things get kind of expensive for what they are... why not make your own?

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So, I finally bought one of those little adaptors to re-fill those 1lbs gas bottles.

I was a bit tired of spending three bucks a bottle everytime we needed one and I had heard from someone that you can re-fill them using this adaptor:


  • You can look it up on youtube, there are tons of videos that can tell you how it works or how you can fill the bottles up with more propane than it can really handle and so on...

  • You can find this adaptor on any of your favorite platform for buying things. I went through Amazone (This is where I wish I had an affiliate account!). The item came in two days, with instructions and I tried it right away.

It is so simple, and easy to do, I don't know why anyone would buy the little bottles anymore!


  • Take a tank of gas like a 20lbs or the one from a BBQ and make sure it is turned off.

  • Screw the one side of the adaptor into the 20lbs tank (there is only one side thay can fit, so don't worry about getring it wrong, you won't). You don't need to use a wrench for this, there should be a rubber seal that shouldn't be too tight anyways.

  • Flip your tank upside down, the propane is liquid in there!


  • Now you can screw onto the adaptor your small green bottle. You may have to hold the adaptor in place as the threads could be reversed depending on where you've bought it from.

  • Once it's all tight, turn the the gas on and wait until a hissing noise is completely gone.

It takes my adaptor about 5 minutes to fill up a 1lbs bottle completey. I don't know if others transfer propane faster, but I do know it works just fine.

Another thing you will get out of this besides the savings, is the happiness of recycling those little green bottles!!!

I'm glad we finally got one, I was too cheap to get the right fitting that enables the big buddy heater to be attached to a 20lbs tank! My dad's with us for a month and it's starting to get chilly.

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On the Homestead, just living Off-Grid, trying to figure it all out one day at a time!


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If you don't like your surroundings, change them
If you don't like your situation, change it.
If you don't like your decisions, make different ones.
All of this leads to the life that YOU want to lead, not the one others want you to lead.

Life is like chess, always try and think at least 5 moves ahead, and if you can see the dead ends you can avoid them.

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